
New Direction Community (NDC)

It is for people who wish to grow inner self, especially for those who wish to solve the inner cause of their life hindrances and help others to do so. The community is led by Sung. You are welcome to come to our gatherings and join our efforts. Join NDC

We have two subgroups: Human and Adult. Human group is for those who wish to work and live as a human, not as a resource. Adult group is for those who want to contribute to society or the world by becoming adults of society or the world.




Note: All times mentioned are Vancouver local time (PT). All of our gatherings are free.

How to Participate

Press here to participate. Alternatively, send an email to [] with the date you intend to attend (at least two days before the event).

More About the Events

Meditation for Inner Growth

Join meditation and discussion for inner growth, especially solving the inner cause of our life hindrances such as repeating the same life lessons. It will enable us to live better and empower us to help others. Held on Thursday 7 pm weekly (or 8 pm during summer).

Qigong: Moving Meditation

Add healing energy to meditation practice.

A New Approach to Life

A weekly gathering for talks and discussion. Welcome to bring challenges in your life or meditation.

Meditation Retreat

The 3rd Saturday of each month is meditation day. The gathering starting 8 AM and ending before noon, including silent meditation and a short discussion at the end. Although gathering ends before noon, participants are encouraged to continue their practice or maintain noble silence until the end of the day.

Korean, Korean

  1. If you are our group member and wish to access our group without Telegram app, you can do so at ↩︎ ↩︎