
Human Project

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vision Vision: People living as a respected wise human. purpose To create better lives and a better world better through reinventing work and rediscovering life. to help people live a better life with education, recognition and certifications. to create a better world by helping people live better life. to help people to get a recognition and more rewards.

Realization Examples

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In Person Gatherings

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Due to pandemic, all in person gatherings are invitation only.

2020 Study Topics

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2020 spring and summer study completed. The followings are some of our study topics presented from 2020 spring to summer. Going beyond thoughts and beliefs. Living better. Contributing to our community and world in challenging times. Being Stuck: What it is. How to find the causes. How to break free. How to prevent future occurrence. Living above money. Going beyond the limits of truth. How to make money follow you.

공부 주제

categories: resource tags: news

2020봄 여름 공부와 수련을 마침 다음을 주제로 2020봄 여름 공부와 수련을 마쳤습니다. 생각과 기존 진리의 한계를 넘기. 더 나은 삶을 살기. 어려운 세상에 사회에 기여하기. 돈이 오는 원리 (1부). 숨으로 발견하는 과거 현제 미래. 갖으면 해가 되는 돈 (돈이 오는 원리2부). 숨으로 발견하는 깨우침. 갖으면 득이 되는 돈 (돈이 오는 원리3부). 숨으로 발견하는 실체. 돈위에 사는 삶. 숨으로 발견하는 세상. 직관으로 생각으로 그리고 기존의 진리에서도 알수 없는 선과 악의 실체. 숨으로 발견하는 나의 마음.

New Direction Channel

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New daily learning materials are posted daily or several times a week in two languages at New Direction Channel. Preview | Full Access

Telegram help

categories: resource tags: help

Telegram is a popular secure communication app. You can install it from, Google Play or Apple App Store. It is free.

텔레그램앱 도움말

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텔레그램앱은 음성 문자 통신 앱입니다. 구글 플레이, 애플 앱스토어 또는 텔레그램앱 사이트 에서 다운로드할 수 있습니다.

Our Groups

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New Direction Group A gathering of people for learning and growing wise to contribute to the world and live better for all. Join 새 방향 모임 (in Korean).

Insight for beginners

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to be added.