Discovering Your Own Mind

Inner Light

Nurturing inner light dispels darkness within.

Inner Light 2

Without inner light, darkness prevails within you.

Keeping the Mind in the Body

Keeping your mind in your body is vital for living as a human.

Keeping the Mind in the Body 2

Without keeping your mind in your body, you can be successful if you live as a resource, but it is hard to live as a human.

See Yourself for Yourself

Have you seen yourself? If you have not seen your mind, you have not seen yourself. See yourself for yourself.

Instead of Knowing Oneself

If you have never seen your mind, you understand yourself like a person who has never seen any color and shapes understands red.

Knowing Your Mind

Knowing your mind is not essential if you live as a resource but is vital if you live as a human.

Knowing Your Mind 2

You can be successful without knowing your mind if you live as a resource. But it is hard to live as a human if you do not know your mind.

Not Knowing Your Mind

Not knowing your mind prevents you from knowing what you truly want and your deep value, and further prevents you from living the life you truly want.

Not Knowing Your Mind 2

Not knowing your mind prevents you from knowing yourself. Not knowing yourself hinders you from knowing your life. Not knowing your life makes it difficult to live your life.

Neglected Mind

When you neglect your mind, it tends to operate on its own without your awareness and your permission.

The Best Place to Keep Your Mind

The best place to keep your mind is in your body.

Seeing a Flower

See a flower to discover the flower in your mind.

Unchecked Mind

An unchecked mind can become like an abandoned house, inviting unwanted things.

Your Best Friend or Worst Enemy

Take care of your mind and it will take care of you. Mistreat it and it will do the same to you. Your mind can be your best friend or worst enemy depending on how you treat it.

A Brakeless Car

A person who can not stop thinking is like a car without brakes.

Stop Thinking

If you don’t have the ability to stop thinking, automatic thoughts will run and even could ruin your life.

An Incomplete Education

Teaching how to think without teaching how not to think is not a complete education.

The Limit of Thinking

Trying to know reality by thinking is like trying to understand colors by hearing sounds.

A New Way to Think

Think voluntarily instead of thinking involuntarily without awareness.

What You Believe

What you believe is because of what you do not know. Knowing what you do not know is knowing what you believe.

Information, Not Event

It is the information that you know, not the actual event itself, when you read, for example, a book that says the earth was formed four billion years ago.

Believing and Knowing

After reading a book telling the earth was formed four billion years ago, accepting the words to be true is believing. Realizing that you are believing is knowing. Realizing that you do not know whether the event actually happened as the book says or not is also knowing.

Believing and Knowing 2

Knowing is like tasting while believing is like guessing the taste without tasting.

Believing and Knowing 3

If you have tasted, you can not guess the taste. Likewise, if you know, you can not believe. You can believe because you do not know.

Believing and Knowing 4

Believing or disbelieving means you do not know. When you do not know, you can either believe or disbelieve. When you know, you just know instead of believing or disbelieving.

Rediscovering Anger

Being angry is punishing oneself.

Rediscovering Anger 2

Being angry with another person is punishing oneself for not knowing oneself.

Rediscovering Desire

Desire is not something to serve, fight or get rid of, but something you learn and benefit from.

Rediscovering Desire 2

Desire in you tells you so much about yourself and the world you live in.


Desire will use you if you do not use it

Desire 3

Desire empowers you if you use it, but enslaves you if you do not.

Noble Desire and Beastly Desire

Noble desire grows in the noble. Beastly desire grows in the beast.

Serving Desire

Serving desire leads to misery.

Serving Desire 2

Desire persistently tell you what to do throughout your day. If you are unaware of what desire is telling you, you are serving the desire.

What You Truly Want

You miss what you truly want while chasing what you think you want.

What Looks Attractive

What looks attractive to you reveals your inside.

Abandoning Inner Self

Abandoning inner self, the core, causes many problems in one’s life.


One who is thinking he knows does not know that he is thinking.

Inner Contradictions

Believing one knows what one does not know. Acting against oneself while wanting to act for oneself. Doing what will cause unhappiness while wanting happiness.

Great Intelligence

Looking at a cup and knowing that it is just a cup is ordinary intelligence. Knowing yourself and the world by looking at a cup is great intelligence.

A Higher Intelligence

Self-awareness is a sign of a higher intelligence.

A Higher Intelligence 2

A voluntary mental action is a sign of a higher intelligence.

A Higher Intelligence 3

Knowing one’s own ignorance is a sign of a higher intelligence.

A Higher Intelligence 4

Wisdom is a sign of a higher intelligence.

A Higher Intelligence 5

Thinking with awareness of thinking is a sign of a higher intelligence.

A Higher Intelligence 6

Voluntary thinking is a sign of a higher intelligence.

Reliable Mind

A mind that does not know what it does not know is unreliable. A mind that believes it knows what it does not know is very unreliable. A mind that knows what it does not know is reliable.

source: New Direction Archive