Moving Meditation and More

Moving Meditation

  • Be aware of movements clearly while moving.
  • Your breath leads the movement. (Or synchronize movement with breath.)
  • Each movement is intentional (voluntary).
  • Maintain relaxed and pleasant state in your body.
  • Notice blood flowing sensations (such as throbbing, pulsing) and then in & out breath while not moving (in between the movements).
  • Ending: 1) Notice the energy sensations. 2) Spread the healing energy to your body. 3) Send the healing energy by using your mind to the people who are standing next to you and then everyone in this world.

Following Breath with Eyes

The exercise is to acknowledge your breath with your eye movements.

  • Move your eyes down in your in-breath.
  • Move your eyes up in your out-breath.
  • Pause movement while your breath is briefly paused between in and out breath.

Note: your eyes movement follows your breath, not the other way around. You are moving your eyes as an acknowledgment of your awareness of your breath.

Breathing and Moving Torso

  • Sitting up straight in your in-breath.
  • coming back to your normal posture (or slouching) in your out-breath.
  • Pause movement while your breath is briefly paused between in and out breath.

Note: your movement follows your breath, not the other way around.

See Also

Walking Meditation