An Introduction


Knowledge gives power. Self-knowledge gives a new life.

Wise and Wiser

If you grow wise, those who you thought useless become your benefactors. If you grow wiser, even your enemy becomes your benefactor. However, if you are unwise, even your benefactors become useless.

The Best and Even Better

What you have now is the best you can have at the moment. Be grateful for it and use it well. You will have even better things in the future.

Information, Not Event

It is the information that you know, not the actual event itself, when you read, for example, a book that says the earth was formed four billion years ago.

The Power of Mind Over Body

Your mind has the power to heal or harm your body.

Not Truly Knowing

You do not truly know if you do not know what you do not know.

A Greater Obstacle to Knowing

Not knowing what you do not know is an obstacle to knowing. Believing you know what you do not know is a greater obstacle to knowing. Knowing what you do not know removes the obstacles.

Earning Money

The true value of earning money lies in the lessons it teaches.

Rediscovering Work

Work is a school of life where you learn to live. Salary is a scholarship.

Life Lessons

Your life has lessons for you each day.

Life Lessons 2

If you learn from your life, you grow and your life improves. Otherwise you repeat the same lessons and become a lesson for others.

Power Relations 2

Wanting something from someone such as money or recognition is putting yourself in a less powerful position than the person.

What You Truly Want

You miss what you truly want while chasing what you think you want.

Rediscovering Humans

From ones who work and consume to ones who are respected.

Human Flourishing

Humans can truly flourish when they live as humans, not as resources.

Rediscovering Food

The food that comes before you tells about you, who you are.

Rediscovering Eating

Eating is a way to grow your inner self.


Animals gain weight by eating. The wise gain knowledge by eating.

Wisdom and Unwisdom

Knowing what benefits and what harms is wisdom. Not knowing them is ignorance. Mistaking one for the other is foolishness.

Three Kinds of Knowledge

There are three kinds of knowledge: knowledge of nonself (the conventional knowledge), knowledge of self, and knowledge gained by knowing both self and nonself.

Three Kinds of Knowledge 3

Knowledge of nonself, the conventional knowledge, helps you get what you think you want. Knowledge of self helps you know what you truly want. Knowledge of both helps you grow beyond desire.

From Ignorance to Wisdom

Ignorance leads to foolishness. Foolishness leads to pain. Pain leads to wisdom.

Desire 3

Desire empowers you if you use it, but enslaves you if you do not.

Consuming Desire 2

Consume desire if you do not want to be consumed by it.


Knowing what you sees is ordinary intelligence. Knowing yourself and the world from what you sees is great intelligence. Thinking voluntarily rather than involuntarily is greater intelligence.

True Intelligence

Knowing one’s own ignorance is a sign of true intelligence.


One who speaks with genuine motivation to benefit others is an adult, especially if others need what he says.

Giving Up Peace

To have hatred is to give up peace.

Forgive No One

If you blame no one, you have no one to forgive.


There is no wellbeing without inner wellbeing.

Wellbeing 4

The inner wellbeing of humanity is the foundation for the wellbeing of the world.

Climate Crisis

The climate crisis is a manifestation of the inner state of humanity.

Truly Helping Others

Solving the inner cause of your life hindrances and helping others to do so is truly helping others.

Truly Helping Humans

Not just giving food but giving education to live wisely is helping humans.

True Victory

True victory is a victory without losers, where everyone wins.

Your Power and Privilege

Acting with genuine motivation and intention to benefit others is your power and privilege that transforms yourself and the world.

source: New Direction Archive