Living as a Human, not a Resource

Rediscovering Humans

From ones who work and consume to ones who are respected.

Human Happiness

Humans can not truly be happy if they live as a resource.

Rediscovering Your Life

A life living as a human instead of living as a resource.

A New Way to Live

Living as a human instead of living as a resource.

Mottos for Humans and Resources

“Just do it” is for resources. “Wisely do it” is for humans.

Human Flourishing

Humans can truly flourish when they live as humans, not resources.

Basic Human Knowledge

Knowing what one’s body and mind are doing is a basic human knowledge.

A Vital Skill for Humans

Keeping your mind in your body is a vital skill for living as a human.

Awareness of Being Alive

There is a world of difference between living with the awareness that you are alive and living without it.

Living Without Awareness of Being Alive

Living without the awareness that you are alive prevents you from understanding and improving yourself and your life.

Living Without Awareness of Being Alive 2

Living without the awareness that you are alive prevents you from seeing the chain of events unfolding from your thoughts and understanding the causation between your thoughts and your life events.

Living Without Awareness of Being Alive 3

Living without the awareness that you are alive leads to ignorance about yourself and your life. The ignorance causes life lessons to repeat and makes your life difficult to live.

Ways of Living

Living with wisdom is the human way of living. Living without the awareness that you are alive is the resource way of living.

Rediscovering Sitting

When you are aware of your sitting, you will realize there are many things you did not know about your sitting. The more you are aware of your sitting, the more you will realize there are many things you did not know not only about your sitting, but also about yourself and your life. The same is true for standing, walking, breathing, eating, thinking and many other things that you do daily.

Rediscovering Sitting 2

From your sitting, you can gain insight about yourself, your life and the world. The insight can give you the wisdom you need to live your life well. The same is true for standing, walking, breathing and many other things that you do daily.

What Humans Can Do Better Than AI

Acting with genuine motivation and intention to benefit others is a human privilege and one of the things that humans can do better than AI.

Contributing to the World

Chickens contribute to the world by making meat. Human resources contribute to the world by working and consuming. Humans contribute to the world by living a respected life.

source: New Direction Archive