Main Archive of New Direction


This is a collection of quotes by Sung. See: Archive for more.


Beyond Thoughts

The Limit of Thinking

Trying to know reality by thinking is like trying to understand colors by hearing sounds.

Not Thinking

If thinking is important, so is not thinking.

Awareness of Thinking

There are great differences between thinking with the awareness of thinking and thinking without it.

Awareness of Thinking 2

There are even greater differences between thinking with the intention of thinking and thinking without it.

A Brakeless Car

A person who can not stop thinking is like a car without brakes.

Confined and Freed

Those who can not go beyond the limits of their thoughts and beliefs are confined.

Those who went beyond the limits are freed.

Breaking Truth

Breaking what you believe to be the truth is gaining something greater.

Breaking Truth 2

When you break what you believe to be the truth, you gain something greater.

Information, Not Event

You know the information, not the actual event itself, if you read a book that says the Earth was formed four billion years ago.

When Reading

You know the information, not the actual event. You know the information, not the reality. You know the information, not the truth.

Believing and Knowing

After reading a book telling the Earth was formed four billion years ago, accepting the words to be true is believing. Realizing that you are believing is knowing. Realizing that you do not know whether the event actually happened as the book says or not is also knowing.

Believing and Knowing 2

Knowing is like tasting while believing is like guessing the taste without tasting.

Believing and Knowing 3

If you have tasted, you can not guess the taste. Likewise, if you know, you can not believe. You can believe because you do not know.

Believing and Knowing 4

Believing or disbelieving means you do not know. When you do not know, you can either believe or disbelieve. When you know, you just know instead of believing or disbelieving.

Believing and Knowing 5

Believing is not knowing. Knowing is not believing.

Believing, Disbelieving and Knowing

Believing is the opposite of disbelieving while knowing is the opposite of both believing and disbelieving.

The Power of Believing and Knowing

Knowing discovers what exists while believing creates what does not exist.

Words to Enlighten

Those who look at what the words are pointing at enlighten. Those who just look at the words are trapped in their thoughts.

Knowing When

You can not know when you believe you already know. You know when you are freed from the belief.

No Name

Reality has no name.

Thinking Outside the Box

Whether you are thinking inside or outside the box, you are still confined within the limits of thinking.

When Thinking Is Not Helpful

When your mind is involuntarily thinking without your awareness. When you are trying to know something that you can not know by thinking. When you are thinking a thought that will bring pain in your life. When your mind is making a critical error.

Beyond Conventional Truth

Higher Than Truth

Something that can break truth is higher than the truth.

Deeper Than Truth

The cause of truth is deeper than the truth itself.

Beyond Truth

Regardless of whether it’s true or false, you can learn and benefit from it.

Who Is Right?

You are right. So are others who you believe are wrong.

A Sunflower

Children sitting in a circle took a photo of the same sunflower in the center and realized the photos of the same flower are all different. Each child insists that only his photo is the true photo of the sunflower while the photos of others are not true.

A Sunflower 2

If you insist you are right but others seeing something from a different angle are wrong because you do not know the something.

A Sunflower 3

Just as the appearance of a sunflower changes depending on the angle from which it is viewed, right and wrong also changes depending on the viewing angle. From the opposite viewing angle, what is right is wrong.

A Sunflower 4

When you say something or someone is right or wrong, it tells who you are: your mind, your viewing angles, your mental level and your beliefs are revealed.

Why Right or Wrong

Something appears to be right if you see it from the angle that it appears to be right.

Something appears to be wrong if you see it from the angle that it appears to be wrong.

Why Right or Wrong 2

Someone appears to be right if you see the person from the angle that the person appears to be right.

Someone appears to be wrong if you see the person from the angle that the person appears to be wrong.

Beyond Right and Wrong

What is more valuable than having an opinion whether others are right or wrong is to learn and benefit from them.

More Valuable Than Judging

What is more valuable than having an opinion whether something is true, false, right or wrong is to learn and benefit from it.

Judging and Learning

Everyone has an opinion about whether something is true, false, right or wrong but not many people learn from and make good use of it.

Trapped in Truth

Accepting only the information you believe is correct and ignoring the opposing information puts yourself in the prison of your truth.

Trapped in Truth 2

The people you admire and the people you believe to be right speak truth. So do the people you disregard and the people you believe to be wrong. If you accept one and reject the other truth, you become trapped in truth. If you embrace both truth, you become freed from the trap.

I Overdose

A preoccupation with I-my-me-mine is harmful.

I Overdose 2

Like excess Vitamin A, excessive preoccupation with I-my-me-mine becomes toxic.

I Overdoes 3

The mind that is preoccupied with I-my-me-mine is unhappy mind.

All Right

All phenomena are right.

All are right.

The Truth

Truth is inside of you, outside of you and also in front of you. You are truth and are always seeing truth but you could die without ever knowing the truth.

The Truth 2

The stars in the sky, the grass on the ground, the people in the world are also the truth.

The Opposite Viewpoint

The opposite viewpoint is where the perspective is reversed, for example right becomes wrong and vice versa.

The Opposite Viewpoint 2

From the opposite viewpoint, right is wrong and wrong is right.

The Opposite Viewpoint 3

The same goes for pleasure and pain.

The Opposite Viewpoint 4

Rediscover what you believe, experience or perceive from the opposite viewpoint of yours.

Near and Far

When you do not know what you see right in front of you, you try to see and know what is far away. But that is harder.


Wise and Wiser

If you grow wise, the people who you considered not beneficial to you become beneficial to you. If you grow wiser, even your enemy becomes beneficial to you. However, if you are unwise, even beneficial people become not beneficial to you.

Wise and Wiser 2

If you grows wise, you benefit from both what you have including adversity and what you do not have. If you grow wiser, you benefit others and the world.

Becoming Wise in Life

Benefiting from both what life gives you, including adversity, and what it doesn’t means that you are becoming wise in life. Benefiting others and the world means that you are becoming wiser in life.

The Wise and the Foolish

Those who know their ignorance are the wise. Those who do not know their ignorance are the ignorant. Those who do not know their ignorance but believe they are wise are the foolish.

From Ignorance to Wisdom

Ignorance leads to foolishness. Foolishness leads to pain. Pain leads to wisdom.

From Ignorance to Wisdom 2

Ignorance leads to foolishness, which leads to pain, which ultimately leads to wisdom.

From Ignorance to Wisdom 3

Ignorance fosters foolishness, foolishness fosters pain, pain fosters wisdom.

If You Can Not Get What You Want

Get something better if you can not get what you want.

Wisdom About Have

Benefiting from everything you have including adversity and everything you do not have is wisdom. Not knowing how to benefit from them is ignorance.

Wisdom About Life

Learning from your life is wisdom. Not knowing what to learn from your life is ignorance. Not being able to learn from your repeated life lessons is foolishness.

Wisdom About Life 2

Learning from others’ life is wisdom. Not knowing what to learn from others’ life is ignorance.

A Leaf

A leaf tells you so much about you when you see it.

A Leaf 2

If you are wise, you learn a lot from seeing a single leaf. If you are ignorant, you learn nothing even from seeing a lot of leaves.

A Leaf 3

If you are wise, you learn much from your life. If you are ignorant, you learn nothing from your life. If you are foolish, you complain about your life.

A Leaf 4

If you are wise, you learn much from your unhappiness. If you are ignorant, you learn nothing from your unhappiness. If you are foolish, you blame others for your unhappiness.

Wisdom and Good Deeds

When the wise benefit others, it is called wisdom. When the unwise benefit others, it is called good deeds.

What To Do and What Not To Do

Do what you help you grow wise but do not do what you will regret.


Knowing what benefits you as what benefits you. Knowing what harms you as what harms you.


Believing what benefits you as what harms you. Believing what harms you as what benefits you.


Not knowing what benefit you and what harm you.

Wisdom About Hindering

Avoid doing what hinder you is wisdom. Not knowing what hinder you is ignorance. Believing what hinder you as what help you is foolishness.

Mice Wisdom and Human Wisdom

For mice, not eating poisonous food is wisdom. For humans, not having poisonous thoughts is wisdom.

Giving and Receiving

For those with wisdom, giving is wisdom. For those lacking wisdom, receiving is wisdom.

A Role of Wisdom in Life

Wisdom allows you to do what will help your life and not to do what will hinder your life or you will regret.

A Role of Foolishness

Foolishness misleads its owner into acting against oneself.

Punishing Oneself for Foolishness

Acting in foolishness is punishing oneself.

An Invisible Enemy

Foolishness is an invisible enemy to its owner.

Knowledge and Wisdom

Knowledge can be destructive without wisdom.

Knowledge and Wisdom 2

Wisdom tames knowledge to be beneficial rather than destructive.

Money and Wisdom

Without money, living poor. Without wisdom, living foolishly.

Money and Wisdom 2

Money protects you from poverty. Wisdom protects you from foolishness.


Rediscovering Your Body

If you look deeply into your body, you will realize that it is not your body, but at the same time it is your body.

Rediscovering Breathing

Learning from breathing can provide greater benefits than breathing itself.

Rediscovering Earning Money

Lessons learned through earning money can be far more valuable than money earned.

What You See

What you see is because of what you do not see. Seeing what you do not see is seeing it deeply.

What You See 2

When you see something, know what you do not see that allow you to see what you see.

What You See 3

The same goes for what you hear, feel, experience, know and think.

What You Know

What you know is because of what you do not know.

What You Know 2

Realizing what you do not know is knowing beyond what you know.

What You Believe

What you believe is because of what you do not know. Knowing what you do not know is knowing what you believe.

The Mirror

What you see is a mirror that reflects you, your mind, your past and future. So are what you hear, feel, know, think, experience, and act.

The Invisible That Makes Visible

What is visible is because of what is not visible. Without the invisible, the visible can not exist.


The visible exists because of the invisible.

Invisible 2

The invisible is the cause of the visible. Seeing the invisible is seeing deeply into the visible. Knowing the invisible is knowing the true nature of the visible.

Rediscovering a Cup

Discover things that are invisible in the cup but make the cup visible.

Seeing a Flower

See a flower to discover the flower in your mind.

Seeing a Flower 2

See a flower to discover yourself in the flower.

Rediscovering a Falling Apple

Seeing a falling apple is discovering oneself.

Rediscovering an Apple

Seeing an apple is discovering oneself.

See Yourself for Yourself

Have you seen yourself? If you have not seen your mind, you have not seen yourself. See yourself for yourself.

Rediscovering a Tree

Realize why a tree is a tree.

Rediscovering a Tree 2

Realize why you see a tree as a tree.

Right and Wrong

From the opposite viewpoint, right is wrong and wrong is right.

Right and Wrong 2

Right or wrong is a reflection of oneself.

Right and Wrong 3

Seeing someone or something as right or wrong is showing much about oneself including one’s viewpoint, mental level and past.

Right and Wrong 4

Right means seeing from the viewpoint of what seems right. The same applies to wrong.

Right and Wrong 5

Right or wrong does not exist on its own but come into exist because of a judgment.

Right or Wrong of Others

Right or wrong of others is a reflection of oneself.

Right or Wrong of Others 2

Seeing others as right or wrong reveals much about oneself including one’s viewpoint, mental level and past, is an opportunity to learn about oneself.

What Looks Attractive

What looks attractive to you reveals your inside.

What Looks Attractive 2

What looks attractive can not exist without the invisible, including your mind.

What Looks Attractive 3

The invisible is causes of what looks attractive. Seeing the invisible is seeing deeply into what looks attractive. Knowing the invisible is knowing the true nature of what looks attractive.

Living Truth

Truth is inside of you and outside of you. You are made of truth and a living truth.

Rediscovering People Who Are Wrong

People who we believe are wrong are also right.

People Who Are Wrong

An unwise person believes that people who he believes are wrong are wrong. A wise person realizes that people who he believes are wrong are also right.

The Ignorance That Makes Beliefs

What you believe is because of things you do not know about it. If you do not have the ignorance, you also do not have the belief.


Yours can not exist without efforts and sacrifices of others, including nonhumans.

Yours 2

Your success is built on efforts and sacrifices of other living beings.


No one can succeed alone without efforts and sacrifices of others, including nonhumans.

Police and Thieves

Police work according to laws of a nation. Thieves work according to laws of nature.

Why People Who Are Wrong Are Not Wrong

You are right. Others are also right in the same way you are right. Likewise, others who you believe are wrong are right.

Seeing a Cup

Seeing a cup is discovering the world. Seeing a cup is discovering oneself.

Touching a Cup

Touching a cup is touching the world. Touching a cup is touching your mind.

Loss Is Gain

A loss is a gain if you learn from it.

Death Is Gain

Your death is a gain instead of a loss in life if you learn from it.

Until Awakening

You can keep what you believe until you awake.

Experiencing and Treasure

What you are experiencing is treasure.

Life and Death

Life is possible because of death. Death is possible because of life.

The Creator

You are the creator of your life, happiness and misery.

Silencing a Fire Alarm

Eliminating only the symptoms of life problems while ignoring the cause is like silencing the fire alarm and letting the fire continue to burn.

Treasure in Trash Bin

Words that you rejected and dumped in a trash bin when some people spoke to you because of disagreement or different viewpoints are treasure that can free you and empower you.

Both Problems and Solutions

We are part of both problems and solutions, not either.

What You Like is not What You Like

What you believe you like is not what you really like.

No One Wrong

No one is wrong but there are people who are at different stages of their growth.

No One Wrong 2

There are people who seem to be wrong but no one is wrong.

Rediscovering Humans

From ones who work and consume to ones who are respected.

Rediscovering Your Life

A life living as a human instead of living as a resource.

Rediscovering Your Life

Discover why you are living.

Rediscovering Yourself

Not as a servant of life but as the owner of your life.

Rediscovering Yourself 2

Not as a prisoner of your own mind but as a free person.

Rediscovering What You Are Doing

Know why you do what you are doing.

Rediscovering Your Actions

Know why you do what you do.

Rediscovering Adversity

Rediscover adversity as something you learn and benefit from.

Self and Nonself

Higher Knowledge

Knowledge is about knowing nonself. Higher knowledge is about knowing self.

The Ultimate Knowledge

The ultimate knowledge is what you know only when knowing both yourself and nonself.

Three Kinds of Knowledge

Knowledge about nonself. Knowledge about self. Knowledge that can only be gained by knowing both self and nonself.

Three Kinds of Knowledge 2

Nonself, self and both.


Knowledge can give you power. Self-knowledge can give you a new life.

Self-Knowledge 2

Knowledge empowers, self-knowledge transforms.

Self-Knowledge 3

Knowledge means power. Self-knowledge means new life.

Self-Knowledge 4

Knowledge = power Self-knowledge = new life

Knowing Self

Knowing self is changing life.

Knowing Self 2

Knowing yourself benefits you much even if it is as simple as your posture, breathing or walking.

Knowing Self 3

You will be surprised if you experience firsthand that knowing yourself actually benefit you much.

Higher Power

If knowledge is power, self-knowledge is higher power.

Rediscovering Self and Nonself

Self does not exist on its own but exists with nonself, and vice versa.

Rediscovering Self and Nonself 2

Self is because of nonself and nonself is because of self. Self is found in nonself and nonself is found in self.

Rediscovering Self and Nonself 3

Knowing self is knowing nonself, and vice versa.

Discovering Nonself

Discover nonself in self.

Discovering Self

Discover self in nonself.

Discovering Self 2

Discover yourself in what you are seeing.

Discovering Self 3

Discover yourself in what you are experiencing such as breath, desire, mental chatter and adversity.

Knowing God

One who does not know oneself does not know god.

Smart versus Wise

Knowing nonself is smart. Knowing both self and nonself is wisdom.

Knowing What You See

Unless you know yourself, you can not truly know what you see. Because what you see is a result of the interaction between yourself and nonself.

Knowing What You See 2

It is easy to believe but hard to know what you see or experience if you do not know yourself.

Knowing What You See 3

The same is true for knowing what you experience.

Seeking Happiness

Seeking happiness without knowing oneself leads to unhappiness.

When Living Without Knowing Self

It is easy to live as a resource, not a human, if you do not know yourself.

Restoring Your Balance

Knowing yourself restores your balance if you have been preoccupied with knowing something other than yourself.

Knowing Self and Nonself

Knowing nonself is gaining knowledge. Knowing self is changing life.

Obstacles to Knowing Self

It is you, not others, that hinder you from knowing yourself.

An Obstacle to Knowing Nonself

Not knowing self hinders knowing nonself.

An Obstacle to Knowing Others

Not knowing self prevents knowing the true nature of others and the world.

Knowing Nonself

Knowing self is necessary for truly knowing nonself. Without knowing self, there is a limit to knowing nonself.

Knowing Others

Knowing self is necessary for truly knowing others and the world. Without knowing self, there is a limit to knowing others and the world.

Someone Wrong

Believing someone is wrong prevents us from learning from them and their life.

Others Wrong

Believing that others are wrong limits your growth.

Others Wrong 2

Believing that others are wrong prevents you from learning from them and their life, consequently limits your understanding of others, the world and yourself.

Others Wrong 3

People you believe are wrong provide nutrients for your growth.

Others Wrong 4

Realizing the rightness in others you believe are wrong empowers and grows you.

Others Wrong 5

Realizing that both you and others you believe are wrong are right grows you further.

Knowing Others Better

Knowing oneself better is knowing others better.

New and Better Ways

A New Way to Help Others

Solve your life problem by addressing your inner cause of the problem and share your solution with others.

What to Believe and What Not to Believe

Neither believe nor disbelieve what you do not know except what will help you grow wise. If you are unsure of what to believe, listen to those who truly speak for you.

A Master and a Servant of Pleasure

Two persons who eat the same food have different motivations for eating. One eats for one’s pleasure but the other eats for the benefit of all. The former follows the pleasure but the pleasure follows the latter. The former is a servant of the pleasure while the latter is a master of the pleasure.

A Master and a Servant of Desire

Two persons scratch their skin after the desire tells them to scratch their skin. One immediately obeys the desire while the other responds to the desire “thank you for telling me that but this is my body so I decide for myself” and then decides whether to scratch or not. The former is serving the desire while the latter is mastering the desire.

A Master and a Servant of Desire 2

When they encounter the desire more, the former is becoming a more obedient servant of the desire while the latter is becoming better at handling the desire. The former is used by the desire while the latter uses the desire to grow. The former is below the desire while the latter is above the desire.

A New Way to Deal with Truth

Know truth instead of believing truth.

A New Relation with Money

Living above money instead of living below money.

A New Relation with Truth

Living above truth instead of living below truth.

A New Relation with Desire

Living above desire instead of living below it.

A New Way to Deal with Desire

Use desire well instead of fighting, serving or abandoning desire.

A New Relationship with Food

Gain nutrients for your mind and body from food instead of just for your body.

A New Way to Scratch

Scratch voluntarily instead of scratching involuntarily without awareness.

A New Way to Act

Act voluntarily instead of acting involuntarily without awareness.

A New Way to Think

Think voluntarily instead of thinking involuntarily without awareness.

A New Way to Think 2

Discover your viewpoint in your thoughts.

A New Way to Live

Living as a human instead of living as a resource.

A New Way to Live 2

Living above money, truth and desire instead of living below them, and you running your life instead of your life running you.

A New Way to Deal with Your Life Problems

Solving your inner causes of your life problems instead of removing only the symptoms.

A New Way to Deal with Your Life Problems 2

Dealing with your life problems in order to later help others who have the same or similar problems.

A New Relation with Pleasure

Living above pleasure instead of living below it.

A New Relation with Religions

Living above religions instead of living below religions.

A New Relation with Religions 2

Using religions for humanity instead of serving religions.

A New Way to Go to Church

Going to church to benefit them instead of getting benefit from them.

A New Way to Speak

Speaking to benefit listeners instead of speaking to gain from listeners.

A New Way to Work

Working to learn and grow than earning money.

A New Way to Meditate

Meditate to give than gain.

A New Way to Marry

Marry for your partner.

A New Way to Divorce

Divorce for your spouse if you have to divorce.

A New Way to Deal with Pleasure

Learn from pleasure instead of chasing pleasure.

A New Way to Deal with Sadness

Use sadness well instead of struggling or trying to run away from it.

Dissatisfied Food

Two people who can not afford to dine at fine restaurants ate at a low cost restaurant and are not satisfied with the food. One of them complains about dissatisfied food and blames the restaurant. Since he can not afford to dine at a better restaurant, he continues to come back to the same restaurant for eating and blaming the restaurant. But the other person realizes that he has contributed to make the dissatisfied food and solves the cause of the problem within him. As a result he can eat better food at a better restaurant.

Money and Work

Money and work related


Money, the smart make, the elite keep, the wise use.

Money Should Follow You

If money does not follow you, it is wiser to solve the cause that prevents money from following you than to just follow money.

Rediscovering Work

Work is a school of life where you learn to live. Salary is a scholarship.

Rediscovering Work 2

Work is about for learning and growing to live your own life and salary is your scholarship.

Humanizing Work

Food made to benefit the one who will eat has greater value than food made to make money.

Humanizing Work 2

Working with the motivation and intention of benefiting others makes your work more valuable and also makes you trustworthy.

Humanizing Work 3

Working with motivation and intention of benefiting others creates greater value for the society than just working for money, and creates a bright future for all.

Humanizing Work 4

Working with motivation and intention of benefiting others makes money follow you instead of following money, and is working as a human rather than a resource.

Humanizing Work 5

Working with motivation and intention of benefiting others empowers you to learn and grow to live your own life, and creates a bright present and future for all.

A Master and a Servant of Money

Two persons who do the same work and receive the same amount of money at the same restaurant have different motivations for their work. One makes meals for money but the other makes meals for people who will eat the meals. The latter creates greater value and a brighter future than the former.

The former follows money but money follows the latter. The former is below money but the latter is above money. The former is a servant of the money but the latter is a master of money. The former works as a resource while the latter works as a human. The former gets stress while the latter gets joy.

From a Servant to a Master of Money

Working to make money is following money and is becoming a servant of money. Working to benefit others is making money follow you and is becoming a master of money.

From a Servant to a Master of Money 2

Working to make money is working as a resource. Working with motivation and intention to benefit others is working as a human and growing.

From a Servant to a Master of Money 3

Working to make money is working below money. Working with motivation and intention to benefit others is working above money and is humanizing work.

Earning Money

The lessons earning money teaches can be more valuable than the money itself.

Earning Money 2

The true value of earning money lies in the lessons it teaches.

Earning Money 3

You can benefit more from the lessons you learn through earning money than the money you earn.

Special Ingredients

There are good special ingredients to add when making food. The special ingredients are motivation and intention to benefit the people, who will eat it.

Special Ingredients 2

The special ingredients are also good to add when making products or provide services at work. The special ingredients are motivation and intention to benefit the people, the customers.

Special Ingredients 3

The special ingredients are also good to add when speaking or writing.

Special Ingredients 4

Adding the special ingredients - making and providing with the motivation and intention of benefiting others - not only enhances the value of the work but also makes you trustworthy.

Special Ingredients 5

Working with motivation and intention to benefit others enables money to follow you instead of following money, empowers you to work as a human instead of a resource, and helps you to grow.

Special Ingredients 6

Making and providing with the genuine motivation and intention of benefiting others is a privilege of humans, not animals or machines.

Money Following You

If you work for money, you are following money. If you work for something more important than money, money is following you.

Why Following Money

When you can not make money follow you, you follow money.

Working Wise

Money naturally fills your pockets even though you work for a purpose greater than making money, just as food naturally fills the stomach of one who eats for a purpose greater than filling stomach.

Wisdom About Money

Benefiting from money, including money you do not have is wisdom.

Wisdom of Cooks

Making food for those who will eat is wisdom. Making food for gaining money from those who will eat is unwisdom. Not knowing the wisdom is ignorance.


The Beauty of Life

The beauty of life lies in positively impacting others.

A Bright Future Through Solving Inner Causes

Solving your inner causes of your life hindrances for the benefit of all is creating a bright future for all.

A Bright Future Through Solving Inner Causes 2

Solve your inner causes of life hindrances for the benefit of all.

A Bright Future Through Inner Greatness

Cultivating your inner greatness for the benefit of all is creating a bright future for all.

A Bright Future Through Benefiting Others

Benefiting others honors the sacrifices and contributions of all living beings that made our lives possible and creates a bright future for all.

A Bright Future Through Greater Value

Acting with genuine motivation and intention of benefiting others creates a greater value for society and a bright future for all.

Helping Others

Solving your inner cause of your life problems and help others to do so is helping others.

Helping Others 2

To truly help others, one needs help oneself by growing up.

Receiving Grace

We are alive thanks to the sacrifice and suffering of other living beings. Living is receiving grace from other living beings.

Your Three Wealths

You have three wealths: past, present and future.

Your Three Powers

You have the power to learn from the past, act wisely in the present and create a bright future.

The Most Difficult Problem

The most difficult problem is the problem that you do not even know you have.

The Biggest Obstacle

The biggest obstacle is the one that you create for yourself.

One’s Own Shortcomings

Realizing one’s own shortcomings is a beginning of one’s bright future.

Insult and Praise

To the unwise, calling them unwise is an insult. But to the wise, it is praise.

Living a Day

Living a day teaches you invaluable lessons.

Living a Day 2

Living a day is like going to school where life teaches you.

Living a Day 3

Living a day is a precious opportunity to learn something new from your life.

Life Improvement and Stagnation

Your life will improve if you learn from it, otherwise lessons are repeated.

On Flame

We extinguish the flame when a house is on flame but just silence the alarm when life is on flame.

On Flame 2

Extinguish the flame, not just silence the alarm when your life is on flame.

Learning From Life

Learning from your own life leads to a better future.

Learning From Life 2

Being unable to learn from your own life repeats life’s lessons and hinders your growth.

Not Learning From Life

If you are not learning new things from your life, know that you are not and know the cause.

A Gift From Life

Life teaches us new things daily especially about ourselves. It is a gift from life for our flourishing.

Living Is Learning

To live is to learn from life, especially from one’s own.

Be a Butterfly

Be a butterfly if you are not happy being a caterpillar.


Inner wellbeing is a foundation of wellbeing.

Wellbeing 2

Without inner wellbeing, there is no true wellbeing.

Wellbeing 3

Inner wellbeing of humanity is a foundation of wellbeing of the world.

Wellbeing 4

Without inner wellbeing of humanity, there is no true wellbeing of the world.

Awareness of Being Alive

There is a world of difference between living with the awareness that you are alive and living without it.

Living Without Awareness of Being Alive

Living without the awareness that you are alive prevents you from understanding and improving yourself and your life.

Living Without Awareness of Being Alive 2

Living without the awareness that you are alive prevents you from seeing the chain of events unfolding from your thoughts and understanding the causation between your thoughts and your life events.

Living Without Awareness of Being Alive 3

Living without the awareness that you are alive leads to ignorance about yourself and your life. The ignorance causes life lessons to repeat and makes your life difficult to live.

Living Without Awareness of Being Alive 4

If you live without the awareness that you are alive, even with all the wealth and power in the world, you can not live as the owner of your life but live as a servant.

Living Without Awareness of Being Alive 5

Living without the awareness that you are alive is living as a resource, not a human.

Living Without Knowing Being Alive and Life Problems

When you live without the awareness that you are alive, you could eliminate the symptoms of your life problems temporarily but it won’t be able to eliminate the cause of the problems inside of you.

Living Without Knowing Being Alive and Believing

When you live without the awareness that you are alive, it is easy to believe something but difficult to know.

Ways of Living

Living with wisdom is the human way of living. Living without the awareness that you are alive is the resource way of living.

Ways of Living 2

Living with the awareness that you are alive and wisdom is a human way of living while living without them is a resource way of living.

Thoughts and Life Events

Not understanding the causation between your thoughts and your life events hinders you from addressing the root cause of your life challenges originated from your thoughts and can result in repeating life lessons.

Thoughts and Life Events 2

Not understanding the causation between your thoughts and life events can mislead you to blame someone or something else for unwanted events happened as a result of your thoughts.

Thoughts and Life Events 3

Understanding the causation between your thoughts and life events helps you to address the root cause of your life challenges originated from your thoughts. It empowers you to make wise conscious choices and improve your life instead of repeating life lessons.

Wise and Foolish

When we are wise, we learn and benefit even from foolishness. When we are foolish, we do not learn and benefit even from wisdom.

Wise and Foolish 2

When we are wise, we learn and benefit even from untruth. When we are foolish, we do not learn and benefit even from truth.

Wisdom and Foolishness

Wisdom empowers us to learn and benefit from even foolishness. Foolishness prevents us from learning and benefiting even from wisdom.

Wisdom and Foolishness 2

Wisdom empowers us to learn and benefit from even untruth. Foolishness prevents us from learning and benefiting even from truth.

Wisdom and Foolishness 3

Wisdom brightens future. Foolishness does the opposite.

Wisdom and Foolishness 4

Wisdom leads to a bright future. Foolishness leads to a dim future.

Impact of Thoughts on the Future

Wise thoughts leads to a bright future. Foolish thoughts leads to a dim future.

Reasons You Are Living

Know why you are living. Know why you are doing what you are doing.

Life Purpose

Without the reason why you are living, you are not living your life as the owner.

Life Purpose 2

The purpose of life is to learn and grow wise in life until becoming wise. After gaining wisdom, one should have one’s own life purpose and live one’s own life.

Choosing The Reason for Living

It is your privilege and responsibility to choose wisely the reason why you live.

Benefiting from Life

Benefit from both what life gives you and what it doesn’t.

Benefiting from Life 2

Learning from your life is benefiting from your life.

Benefiting from Life 3

Let your life benefit you.

Benefit from Everything

Benefit from both everything you already have including adversity and everything you do not have including what you want but do not have.

The Best and Even Better

What you have right now is the best you can have at the moment. If you appreciate and make the most of it, you will have better things.

The Best and Even Better Life

The life you are having is the best life you can have at the moment. If you are grateful for your life and live wise, you will have even better life.

Finding A Better Life

Knowing yourself, including your own mind and life, leads you to find a better life.

Your Life as Your Teacher

Let your life be your teacher.

Living as a Human Means

You live above money, desire and truth. You run your life.

Living as a Resource Means

You live below money, desire and truth. Your life runs you. Living without the awareness of being alive.

Human Happiness

It is difficult for humans to be happy when living as a resource.

Human Happiness 2

It is difficult for humans to be happy if they do not live as humans.

Human Happiness 3

Humans can not truly be happy when living as a resource.

Human Flourishing

Humans can truly flourish when they live as humans, not resources.

Human Flourishing 2

Work and live as humans, not resources.

What Your Life Does

Your life teaches you everyday.

What Your Life Does 2

Your life gives you a better life if you learn from it. However if you do not learn, it gives you another learning opportunity.

Challenging Times

Benefit from challenging time. Then your life will be even better when a better time comes.

Giving Yourself a New Life

The Insight and wisdom from your own life can give yourself a new life.

Ending Your Unhappiness

Running away from your unhappiness worsens your unhappiness. Knowing unhappiness of both yours and others lessens your unhappiness. Solving the cause of your unhappiness within you ends your unhappiness.

The Cause within You

A problem can not happen to you if you do not have a cause of it within you. Similarly, a life problem also can not happen to you if you do not have a cause of it within you.

The Cause within You 2

Not solving the cause of your life problems within you means you are carrying the cause within you wherever you go or whatever you do whether you start a new life, marry, divorce or getting what you want. The unsolved cause within you will continue to create problems in your life despite your efforts to run away from your life problems. The sooner the better you solve the cause within you.

The Cause within You 3

If your life does not improve no matter how hard or what you try, try solving the cause of your life problems within you.

The Cause within You 4

It is easier to solve the cause within you than in others.

Your Inner Causes

It is sooner the better to address your own inner causes that hinder your life.

Blaming No One

Blame no one including yourself. No one is the sole cause of your life problems.

Your Thoughts and People You Meet

Your thoughts create your actions. Your actions determine who you will meet in the future and what they will do to you. The person you meet now and what the person does to you are possible due to your past thoughts. Without the thoughts, you can not even meet the person.

What to Learn from One Who Is Doing Wrong

Know he is doing right. Know why what he is doing is right.

Bright Future out of Dark Times

Dark times exist for bright future. Use your dark times of adversity to create your bright future.

Three Great Teachers

Pain, the people you believe are wrong, and your life.

Realizing New Things

You are living a new day. Realizing new things is natural. However if you do not realize new things, you should know why not.

Realizing Something New Everyday

When you live a new day, you should realize something new from your life.

Fruit of Your Actions

You are having fruit of your past actions. Your current actions are seeds for your future fruit.

A Turkey Dinner

The husband asks his wife to make a turkey dinner. When his wife refuses, the wise husband finds the cause of the rejection in his past action while the unwise husband gets upset and blames his wife.

What Others Say to You

What others say to you is a result of your past actions.

What Really Makes You Angry

The hostile words or behavior of the person who makes you angry started from your past actions.

The Two Ways to Deal with Rice Worms at Home

Remove the conditions that rice worms thrive. Catch rice worms daily.

Pain Following Pleasure

Pain follows those who chase pleasure.

Chasing Pleasure

Chasing pleasure leads to pain. Learning from pleasure leads to joy.

Chasing Pleasure 2

Chasing pleasure gains pain. Seeking pleasure finds pain.

Seek Pleasure Find Pain

Those who seek pleasure find pain.

Seek Pleasure Find Pain 2

Seeking pleasure leads to pain.

Chasing pleasure

Chasing pleasure gains pain. Learning from pleasure gains joy.

Chasing Pleasure 2

You chase pleasure if you do not know anything better than pleasure.

Learning Life lessons

When we are not successful in learning life lessons, the universe provides us another learning opportunity.

The Key to Improving Your Life

Your speech comes from your mind. Your actions come from your mind. Your life is determined in your mind. Your future is decided in your mind. The key to improving your life is in your mind.

Why Pain in Life Comes

Because you are heading towards pain in life.

A Useful Life Skill

Knowing the direction of your life whether heading to pain or the other direction.

You Are Being Stuck If

Your mind is operating automatically without your awareness or choice. You know nothing new for days, weeks, or even years. You believe you are right but wrong are others who you disagree or dislike. You believe you know what you do not know. You do not know of believing while believing.

The Teachings for Your Life

The teachings that ancient people needed came in the ancient time. The teachings that you need for your life comes from the people you meet in your life.

If You Are Needed

If you are needed in your family, you are appreciated and protected in your family. If you are needed in the society, you are appreciated and protected in the society. If you are needed in the world, you are appreciated and protected in the world.

If You Are Not Needed

If you are not needed in your family, it is hard to get appreciation and respect in your family.

If you are not needed in the society, it is hard to get appreciation and respect in the society.

If you are not needed in the world, it is hard to get appreciation and respect in the world.

If you are needed by no one, you are on your own.

Teaching for Your Life

The speech of the people you met in your life are the teaching (scripture) for your life.

When Winning Is Losing

If you lose the opportunity to eliminate causes of your life problem due to winning, the winning is losing.

Who You Will Encounter in Your Life

Your mind determines your life direction. Your life direction determines who and what kind of people you will encounter in your life. Your life direction also determines who and what kind of people you will not encounter in your life.

Helpful and Harmful People in Your Life

A car can be helpful or harmful to you depending on how you use it.

Likewise, your family members, friends, co-workers and other people you meet in your life can be helpful or harmful to you depending on how you deal with them.


The wise know whether their dreams or life goals when achieved will harm or benefit themselves.

The unwise believe their dreams that will harm themselves as dreams that benefit themselves.

The wise gain benefits by achieving their dreams.

The unwise gain pain in life and waste their life by achieving their dreams.

A Confined Person

He is limited to his thoughts and beliefs. His thoughts act against him. His thoughts keep him confined and powerless. Being deceived by his own thoughts. He believes to know but does not know he is believing while believing. Powerless choose to what to think and what not to think. His thoughts run automatically without his permission and awareness. As a result of automatic thoughts, his body also operates automatically without his permission and awareness. Lives as a resource.

A Freed Person

Knows beyond his thoughts and beliefs. Sees what confined people can not see. Knows what confined people can not know. Lives as a human.

Confined People and Freed People

Confined people and freed people are neither good nor bad nor right nor wrong. They are doing their roles in this world. Freed people gained freedom because of the role of confined people.

Confined people exist for freed people. Freed people exist for confined people.They exist for each other.

Obstacles to the Freedom

An obstacle to the freedom is not knowing whether he is confined or not. A bigger obstacle to the freedom is one’s belief that he is already freed while he is confined.

Receiving and Giving in Life

Your life improves when you give back more than you received in your life. Your life declines when you failed to pay back in your life.

What Helps

Giving water helps those who thirst. Showing the right life direction helps those who lost in their life.

Important Roles in Ancient Time

The role of some people is to suffer from eating a poisonous plant. The role of some other people is to learn from the suffering.

Important Roles in Modern Time

The role of some people is to suffer from having a poisonous thought. The role of some other people is to learn from the suffering.

Finding Faults

The more you find faults in yourself, the happier you become. The more you find faults in others, the unhappier you become.

Finding Faults 2

The wise find faults in themselves while the unwise find faults only in others.

Finding Faults 3

Finding faults in yourself enlightens you. Finding faults only in others keeps you ignorant.

Contributing to the World

Chickens contribute to the world by making meat. Human resources contribute to the world by working and consuming. Humans contribute to the world by living a respected life.

Why Pain Comes to Life

A wall does not bump into you. You bump into a wall.

Why Pain Comes to Life 2

Living without knowing how the life works. Bumping into a wall of life. After bumping into a wall if you blame others, you are inviting more pain to your life.

The Meaning of Life

The meaning of life is something that you look for when you are not satisfied with your life.

The Meaning of Life 2

You just live your life if you are happy. You look for a meaning of life if you are unhappy.

It is better to look for the cause of your unhappiness within you rather than a meaning of life if you want to be happy.

The Meaning of Life 3

The meaning of life is an interpretation of life.

Each Breath

Each breath and day is an opportunity to positively transform yourself and the world.

Each Breath 2

Each breath and day is an opportunity to create a bright future for all.

Each Moment

Each moment you have is a precious gift to you. Why don’t you benefit from every gift that you receive?

Each Moment 2

Each moment is an opportunity to live a better life.

Respect and Ill treatment

A person who acts like a beast or machine is hard to get respected. A beast or machine who acts like a noble being is hard to get ill treatment.

Upon Encountering Life-Pain

One who seeks the cause of the life-pain in one’s own actions is liberating oneself from the life-pain. One who blames others is inviting more pain to one’s life.

A Frequent Flooding

A person who does not know the cause of frequent flooding of his room has to clean up the flooding each time flooded. A person who takes care of the cause ends the flooding.

What You Are Given in Life

Your life makes progress if you learn from what you are given in life. Your life becomes stagnated if you can not learn from what you are given in life.

What You Are Given in Life 2

Your life gets better if you make good use of what you are given in life. Your life gets worse if you misuse of what you are given in life or trying to get what will not be given in your life.

What You Are Given in Life 3

Your life becomes difficult if you ignore what you are given and tried to get what you are not given instead.

What You Are Given in Life 4

Being grateful to what you are given in life is wisdom. Complaining about what you are given in life is unwisdom.

Why You Are Given What You Are Given

Something are given to you because they are needed in your life. If you use them well, you will have a better future.

What You Have and Not Have

If you look deeply into your life, you will realize that there is nothing among what you have and not have in your life that you are not grateful for, including adversity.

What You Have and Not Have 2

Be grateful for what you have and not have.

What You Have and Not Have 3

Be grateful for having what you want and what you do not want. Be grateful for not having what you want and what you do not want.

What You Have and Not Have 4

Know why it is grateful to have what you have and grateful to not have what you do not have.

What You Have and Not Have 5

Know why you have what you have and why you do not have what you do not have.


One who regrets his unwise actions becomes wise. One who never regrets his unwise actions remains unwise.

Your Life and Others’ Death

Your life is possible because of death of other living beings. Without the death, you can not be alive.

Rediscovering Your Comfort

Your comfort is possible because of death and suffering of other living beings. Living in comfort accumulates your debt to other living beings. Relieving the debt is improving your life.

Doing the Same Work Over and Over

Doing the same work over and over for a long period of time means that your life is stagnated.

Revealing Flaws

Seeing flaws of others but not yours is revealing yours.


Something about us that the universe knows and people around us know but often we do not know is our flaws.

Revealing One’s Faults

Getting angry at others’ faults is revealing your faults.

Your Faults

The more you know about your faults, the better. The less you have faults, the better.

Blaming Others

Blaming others is like blaming the weather for an inaccurate forecast.

Blaming Others 2

Blaming others is not wrong but unwise.

Blaming Others 3

Blaming others brings more problems.

Blaming Others 4

Blaming others limits your growth.

Blaming Others 5

Blaming others is blaming yourself.

Living for Others

If you can not learn from your life, you are living for others who will learn and benefit from your life.

Becoming a Lesson for Others

If you can not learn from your life, your life becomes a lesson for others.

Life Lessons

Learn from life or repeat its lessons.

Learn or Be a Lesson

Learn from life or become a lesson.

Improving Life

Learn from life. Improve life.

Desire Without Wisdom

Desire without wisdom darkens future.

Delighting Your Enemy

Blaming others for your life problems delights your enemies.


Adversity is a precious gift for those who use it well.

An Adversity 2

An adversity is an opportunity to grow and make life better.

Losing for Gaining What You Want

Know what you will lose for gaining what you want.

Losing for Gaining What You Want 2

You may no longer want what you want if you know what you will lose for gaining what you want.

Making Others Care About You

If you care about others, others will also care about you.

Knowing Something New

You are living a new moment. You are taking new air. New things are happening. When encountering new things, knowing new things are natural.

Knowing Something New 2

If you do not know something new, know that you do not know and know why you do not know.

When an Expectation Is a Disappointment

Expecting something that won’t happen leads to disappointment.

When We Grow Up

We will no longer want many of the things that we want now. Things that we do now for our pleasure or gaining money, we will no longer do for our pleasure or gaining money. We will no longer believe we know what we do not know. We will no longer blind to our flaws. We will no longer create pain for our life. We will no longer blame anyone including ourself. We will no longer live a life of someone else. We will benefit the world and live a respected life.

Changing Others

If you want to change others, change yourself for others. Others will also change.

Changing Others 2

Changing others may temporarily make your life problems disappear but won’t solve your life problems.

Changing Others 3

Solve the cause of your life problems within you instead of trying to change others.

A Vital Skill for Humans

Keeping your mind in your body is a vital skill for living as a human.

Basic Human Knowledge

Knowing what one’s body and mind are doing is a basic human knowledge.

Basic Human Knowledge 2

If you do not know the basic human knowledge, you can live as a resource but it is difficult to live as a human.

A Basic Human Skill

Acquiring the basic human knowledge is a basic human skill.

Why Suffer

We suffer because we do not know. We do not know because we believe you already know.

What Is Loving Yourself

Not creating pain for your life. Being with yourself. Knowing yourself. Living your own life instead of someone else’s. Living a respected life. Loving the world.

What Is Not Loving Yourself

Creating pain for your life. Not being with yourself. Not knowing yourself. Living someone else’s life instead of yours. Living an unrespected life. Not loving the world.

The Inner Cause of Suffering

Mice dying from eating poison and humans suffering from poisonous thoughts both have a common inner cause for their suffering: not knowing poison as poison.

The Inner Cause of Suffering 2

Mice who believe eating poison will bring happiness and humans who believe having poisonous thoughts will lead to happiness both have a common inner cause for their suffering: believing they know what they do not know.

About Your Life

A life problem cannot happen to you if you do not have a cause of the life problem within you. Your life is more satisfactory when you live as a human than a resource. You cannot exist without help of others.

What Improve Your Life

Making good use of what you are given in life. Solving inner causes you have that hinder your life. Living as a human rather than a resource. Knowing what will improve and what will hinder your life. Helping what help you.

What Hinder Your Life

Misusing what you are given in life. Trying to get what you will not be given in life. Not solving the inner causes that you have that hinder you. Living as a resource rather than a human. Not knowing what will improve and what will hinder your life. Helping what hinder you.

Life and Ages

Learn life until your 40s. Start to live your own life in your 50s. Repay the favor to the world in your 60s. Start to live fulfilling, wise and respected life in your 70s.

Dying Well

Living your life well is dying well.

What Makes Your Life Worth Living

Your life itself makes your life worth living.

What Makes Your Life Worth Living 2

Your life is a temporary gift given to you for you and the world to have a better future as a result of blood and sweat of countless many. You do not know when you will ever get the gift again or if you ever will. Your life itself makes your life worth living.

How to Live a Worthwhile Life

Live a respected life.

Because of Not Knowing

We live the way we live now because we do not know. When we know, we do not live the way we live now.

A Master and a Servant of Life

One who complains about life becomes a servant of life. One who learns from life becomes a master of life.

Dealing with Sadness of Losing Your Loved One

If you focus on your interest, the death of your loved one is a big loss and very sad. Because you can no longer see and get pleasure from your loved one. However if you focus on the interest of your loved one, you will be thriving.

A Commander or Servant of Desire

You can become a commander or servant of desire depending how you get what you want.

Selfish Life

One can live selfishly but it is not possible to have a selfish life.

Gifts for Your Life

You are daily receiving gifts that can make your life better.

Gifts for Your Life 2

It is very difficult to get benefits from gifts that you do not know you received.

Escaping Chicken Cages

A chicken that lives for everyone is set free from the cage and protected.


Knowing how to make a good future is better than knowing future.


Your life should be authentic, not a replica.

A Role of Unhappiness

Unhappiness brings ingredients of happiness. If you are unhappy, you probably already have what it takes to be happy.

A Difficult Life Problem

When you encounter a difficult life problem that you can not solve, it is better to solve the cause instead of dealing with the symptom.

Eliminating Stress

Eliminating stress without addressing the cause is like silencing a sounding fire alarm and letting the fire continue to burn can make your life worse.

Eliminating Loneliness

Loneliness can be eliminated. But eliminating loneliness without addressing the cause can make your life worse. It is like silencing a fire alarm and letting the fire continue to burn.


Complaining is exposing one’s own ignorance.

Complaining or Blaming

Complaining or blaming others means you are not benefiting from your life.

Complaining or Blaming 2

Complaining or blaming others means you are not learning from your life.

Gifts in Life

Some people receive health as a gift. Some people receive wealth or power as a gift. Some people receive a talent as a gift. Some people receive people as a gift. Some people receive a hindrance as a gift.

A Hope in Hopelessness

If you are faced with a difficult life problem that you cannot solve despite all your efforts, try something you have never tried before. Solve the cause of the problem within you.

Struggling with the Same Problems

If you are repeatedly struggling with the same kind of life problems, this is a sign that you are not learning from your life.

Pain Brings Joy

Pain in your life brings you joy when you learn from the pain.

Better or Bitter

Improving yourself leads to a better future. Blaming others leads to a bitter future.

Better or Bitter 2

Your tomorrow will be better if you improve yourself today. Your tomorrow will be bitter if you blame others instead.

Bright or Dim

Improving oneself is creating a bright future. Blaming others is creating a dim future.

Helping Humans

Not just giving food but giving education to live wisely is helping humans.

If You Can Not Learn from Others

If you can not learn from life problems of others, you are bound to learn from your own.


A true blessing comes from acts that bring blessings. Blessings received without such acts are duties.


Animals grow by eating food while humans grow by knowing truth and wisdom.

Getting Out of Unhappiness

No one can get you out of your unhappiness unless you stop doing what will bring you unhappiness.

Forgive No One

If you blame no one, you have no one to forgive.

Forgive No One 2

Blame no one and forgive no one.

The Key for Your Better Life

The key for your better life is not outside of you but within you.

A Fresh New Day

Now you have a fresh new day to make a better future.

Having Enough

If you are breathing, you already have enough things to make your future better.

What Is Up to You and What Is Not

What you do is up to you but what you get as the consequences are not.

What You Want

Getting what we want always comes with an extra, the consequences.

What You Want 2

Discover why you are not given what you want and what you will lose for gaining it.

What You Want 3

Wisdom gets you something better than what you want. Without wisdom, you get what you want and suffer.

What You Want 4

It is better not to get what you want than get what you want and regret it.

Something Better Than What You Want

It is better to get something better than what you want. It is better to get wisdom than getting what you want and suffer.

Something Better Than What You Want 2

Knowing why you want what you want can be more valuable than getting it. Knowing why you don’t have what you want can be more valuable than getting it.

When Getting What You Want Is Misfortune

Getting what you want is misfortune if you want to get what you will cause you suffering.

When Not Getting What You Want Is Fortune

Not getting what you want is fortune if you want to get what you cause you suffering.

When Not Getting What You Want Is Fortune 2

Not getting what you want is fortune if you get something else much better than what you want because you did not get what you want.

Who Run Your Life

Others are running your life when you are not.

Who Run Your Life 2

Others do not run your life when you do.

Your Misery and Your Actions

Your current misery is made by your past unwise actions. Your future misery is made by your present unwise actions.

Your Misery and Your Thoughts

Your current misery is made from your past unwise thoughts. Your future misery is made from your present unwise thoughts.

Benefiting and Hindering in Life

What you can not benefit from your life can hinder your life.

A Good Employer

A good employer empowers employees to work and live as humans rather than resources.

What You Can Not Have Both

You can not have both lasting happiness and the unwisdom of doing things that bring you unhappiness.

A Better Way of Living

Living as the owner of your life instead of as a servant.

A True Gift to Yourself

Benefiting others is a true gift to yourself.

A True Gift to Yourself 2

Benefiting others grows yourself, empowers yourself, makes the past honorable and creates a better future for all.

A True Gift to Yourself 3

Benefiting others benefits all.

A True Gift to Yourself 4

One of the greatest things you can do for yourself is benefiting others.

A Sign of Progress in Life

Realizing something new, especially about yourself, in your daily living is a sign of progress in life.

A Sign of Progress in Life 2

Your life is improving.

A Sign of Stagnation in Life

Learning nothing new from your life, especially about yourself, for days, weeks or even years is a sign of stagnation in life.

A Sign of Stagnation in Life 2

Your life is not improving.

A Sign of Stagnation in Life 3

Repeating the same life lessons is a sign of stagnation in life.

Your Software and Hardware

You are made of hardware and software. Your body is hardware. Your mind is software for your body.

Improving Life 2

Although improving your hardware or the condition of the hardware no longer improves your life, improving your software can still improve your life.

Life Problems

If it is not a hardware issue, it is a software issue

A New Life

Your new life begins when you see your true self.

If You Are not Happy to be With Yourself

If you are not happy to be with yourself, it will hinder you from being happy with others.

A Misfortune of Having Everything

Having everything can be a misfortune for those without wisdom, as it leads to hopelessness.

Having Everything

Having everything without wisdom leads to despair.

Having Everything 2

When the unwise have everything, they lose hope.

Your Power and Privilege

Acting with genuine motivation and intention to benefit others is your power and privilege that positively transforms yourself and the world.

Your Power and Privilege 2

Acting with genuine motivation and intention to benefit others is your power and privilege that can create a brighter world.

What Humans Can Do Better Than AI

Acting with genuine motivation and intention to benefit others is a human privilege and one of the things that humans can do better than AI.

Seeking Happiness in Darkness

Seeking happiness in the dark can lead to misery. If you are in the dark, seek a light instead.

Loving a Fictional Self

Loving yourself without knowing yourself is loving a fictional self.

Improving a Fictional Self

Self-improvement without knowing yourself is improving a fictional self.

Pleasing a Fictional Self

One who does not know oneself tries to make a fictional self happy.

Pleasing a Fictional Self 2

Trying to know oneself is better than trying to make a fictional self happy.

The Best Way to Benefit

The best way to benefit from others is benefiting others with the genuine motivation.

The Best Way to Benefit 2

Benefiting others with the genuine motivation is not only the best way to benefit from others but also the best way to benefit others and create a better world.


Trust naturally follows you when you benefit others with the genuine motivation.


A Thought and Reality

What you think it is is a thought. What it is is reality.

Great Intelligence

Seeing a cup and knowing it as just a cup is ordinary intelligence but knowing yourself and the world is great intelligence.

Intelligence and Problems

It takes great intelligence to solve unsolved problems created by ordinary intelligence.

True Intelligence

Thinking voluntarily instead of involuntarily is true intelligence.

A Higher Intelligence

Self-awareness is a sign of a higher intelligence.

A Higher Intelligence 2

A voluntary mental action is a sign of a higher intelligence.

A Higher Intelligence 3

Knowing one’s own ignorance is a sign of a higher intelligence.

A Higher Intelligence 4

Wisdom is a sign of a higher intelligence.

A Higher Intelligence 5

Thinking with awareness of thinking is a sign of a higher intelligence.

A Higher Intelligence 6

Voluntary thinking is a sign of a higher intelligence.

A Higher Intelligence 7

Knowing self in nonself and knowing nonself in self are a sign of a higher intelligence.

Uncontrollable Mind

A mind that is out of control can cause much harm like a car that is out of control.

Uncontrollable Mind 2

An uncontrollable mind can do much harm.

Reliable Mind

A mind that does not know what it does not know is unreliable. A mind that believes it knows what it does not know is very unreliable. A mind that knows what it does not know is reliable.


What you think is reality is not reality but a thought.

The Stranger

The stranger within you is your true self.

Inner Light

Nurturing inner light dispels darkness within.

Inner Light 2

Without inner light, darkness prevails within you.

Inner Light 3

Nurture your inner light to dispel darkness within.

The Beauty of Inner Light

It is in the darkness of the world that the inner light shines brightest and reveals its true beauty.

Keeping the Mind in the Body

Keeping your mind in your body is vital for living as a human.

Keeping the Mind in the Body 2

Without keeping your mind in your body, you can be successful if you live as a resource, but it is hard to live as a human.

Keeping the Mind in the Body 3

It is difficult to realize the true importance of keeping your mind in your body if you live as a resource.

A Breeding Ground

Unchecked mind can become a breeding ground for unwanted thoughts, much like an abandoned house that attracts unwanted things.

Unchecked Mind

An unchecked mind can become like an abandoned house, inviting unwanted things.

Unchecked Mind 2

Unchecked mind lacks the power to choose what to think and what not to think.

Ignorance and Foolishness

When we are ignorant, we just don’t know. When we are foolish, we believe we know what we do not.

Ignorance and Foolishness 2

When we are ignorant, we don’t know we are ignorant. When we are foolish, we believe we are not foolish. When we are wise, we know our ignorance and our susceptibility to the foolishness.

Ignorance and Foolishness 3

Not knowing is ignorance. Believing one knows what one does not is a contradiction that leads to foolishness.


When we are foolish, we believe we are not and are easily deceived, especially by our own minds. When we are wise, we are aware of our vulnerabilities to the foolishness hence are less likely to be deceived.


We are both guards and prisoners of the prison we create.

Benefiting from Untruth

The unwise do not benefit from truth but the wise even benefit from untruth.

Abandoning Inner Self

Abandoning inner self, the core, causes many problems in one’s life.

Well Being of Inner Self and Life

If inner self, the core, is not well, it is difficult for life to go well.

True Growth

Growing without the growth of inner self, the core, is not true growth.

The Limitation of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking can temporary relieve symptoms of life problems but can not solve the root cause of the problems.

Negative Consequences of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking temporary relieves only symptoms of life problems while ignoring the root cause, like silencing a fire alarm and letting the fire continue to burn.

Negative Consequences of Positive Thinking 2

Positive thinking without wisdom leads to negative consequences.

Growing Outer and Inner Self

Eating food grows the body and learning from eating grows the inner self.

Your Own Mind

It is something that you can not know by thinking, imagining or reading a book but only you can see. That is your own mind.

Knowing Your Mind

Knowing your mind is not essential if you live as a resource but is vital if you live as a human.

Knowing Your Mind 2

You can be successful without knowing your mind if you live as a resource. But it is hard to live as a human if you do not know your mind.

Not Knowing Your Mind

Not knowing your mind prevents you from knowing what you truly want and your deep value, and further prevents you from living the life you truly want.

Not Knowing Your Mind 2

Not knowing your mind prevents you from knowing yourself. Not knowing yourself hinders you from knowing your life. Not knowing your life makes it difficult to live your life.

Not Knowing Your Mind 3

Not knowing your mind prevents you from knowing your inner cause that hinder your life, and further prevents you from solving the inner cause. As a result, your life is trapped in hindrances.

The Worst Ignorance

The worst ignorance is not knowing one’s own ignorance.

Ignorance of One’s Own Ignorance

What makes us think we know when we do not is being unaware of what we do not know.

Motivation to Benefit Others

Having motivation to benefit others not only leads us to a deeper understanding of others, the world and ourselves but also nurtures our growth and benefits all.

Motivation to Benefit from Others

Having motivation to benefit from others limits our understanding of others, the world and ourselves, while also hinders our growth.

Escaping Mental Traps

When your mind is caught in a trap, discover the cause and what will free your mind. Also discover what will prevent future entrapment.

Creating a Contradiction

When reading a book stating the Earth was formed four billion years ago, one knows the information but not the actual event itself. However if one believes that one knows the actual event that one does not know, one creates a contradiction.

Human Mind

It is yours. It is shown when you do something. It is still shown when you do nothing. But you can not see it as if it does not exist when you do not live as a human. That is your mind.

Human Mind 2

You can see your mind when you live as a human, otherwise you cannot see it.

The Mirror of Your Mind

What you see is a mirror that reflects your mind.

So are what you experience and what you do.

The Mirror of Your Mind 2

What you see, what you experience and what you do not only reflect your mind but also you and the universe.

An Apple and the Mind

Just as apples fall according to the laws of nature, so the mind behaves according to the laws of nature.

The Best Place to Keep Your Mind

The best place to keep your mind is in your body.

The Best Place to Keep Your Mind 2

Keep your mind is in your body.

Walking with Your Mind

Walking with your mind in your body is healing and joyful.

Living Dead

Walking without your mind in your body is like a living dead.

Living Dead 2

Living without your mind in your body is like a living dead.

Your Best Friend or Worst Enemy

Take care of your mind and it will take care of you. Mistreat it and it will do the same to you. Your mind can be your best friend or worst enemy depending on how you treat it.

Desire and Happiness

Serving desire can give you temporary pleasure but not happiness.

Desire and Happiness 2

You can not find happiness by fighting or serving desire.

Rediscovering Desire

Desire is not something to serve, fight or get rid of, but something you learn and benefit from.

Rediscovering Desire 2

Desire in you tells you so much about yourself and the world you live in.

Rediscovering Desire 3

Desire in you teaches you how to live your life wise and well.


Without wisdom, you serve or fight desire. Wisdom allows you to use desire well.

Desire 2

The unwise are used by desire. The wise use desire well.

Desire 3

A person who does not know the true nature of desire serves desire. A person who knows the true nature of desire uses desire well.

Freedom From Desire

Not fighting desire, but learning from desire leads to freedom from desire.

Gaining Your Freedom

Obeying desire is losing your freedom. Using desire well is gaining your freedom.

Faces of Desire

Desire becomes your master when you serve it. Desire becomes your enemy when you fight it. Desire becomes your supporter to empower you when you use it well.

Serving Desire

Serving desire leads to misery.

Serving Desire 2

Desire persistently tell you what to do throughout your day. If you are unaware of what desire is telling you, you are serving the desire.

Noble Desire and Beastly Desire

Noble desire grows in the noble. Beastly desire grows in the beast.

A Servant of Desire and a Master of Desire

One who serves desire is a servant of desire. One who uses desire well is a master of desire.

A Servant of Desire and a Master of Desire 2

Each time you serve desire, you are becoming a better servant of the desire. Each time you use the desire well, you are becoming a better master of the desire.

A Servant of Desire and a Master of Desire 3

The unwise live as a servant of desire. The wise live as a master of desire.

Fighting Desire

The wise win desire without fighting desire. The unwise lose to desire by fighting desire.

Fighting Desire 2

Fighting desire means you already lost to desire.

Two Types of Desires

There are two types of wanting: what you truly want and what you think you truly want. The former is real and the latter is just a thought.

Abandoned Mind

If you abandon your mind, your mind can become your worst enemy.

Why this is a cup

Because your mind sees it in that way.

Why is he good?

Because your mind sees it in that way.

Why is he bad?

Because your mind sees it in that way.

Why I am right but others are not?

Because your mind sees in that way.

What do a falling apple and a thinking mind have in common?

Both act according to the law of nature.


When you fight an urge, the urge becomes your enemy. When you obey an urge, the urge becomes your master. When you just be with an urge, the urge becomes harmless like passing wind.

The Darkest Place in the World

It is open but remains dark as if no rays of sunlight can reach. It is so near to you but you do not see. It is always with you but forgotten. That is your mind.

Neglected Mind

When you neglect your mind, it tends to operate on its own without your awareness and your permission.

Neglected Mind 2

Neglected mind deteriorates.

What Exists Inside a Thought

What exists inside a thought is not the real world but is a virtual world.


It is not that you are thinking. The phenomenon called thinking is happening according to laws of nature.

Self-Righteousness Trap

A person caught in self-righteousness trap believes that he is right but wrong are others who disagree.

Two Kinds of Things for Mind

Something that harms you when you put it in your mind. Something that benefits you when you put it in your mind.

Mind and the World

What we put in our stomachs affects our bodies.

What we put in our minds affects our world.

Depending up what we put in our minds, it melts glaciers, burns mountains, brings storms, brings drought and makes living things ill.

Depending up what we put in our minds, it also heals the world.

Mind and Life-Pain

If you do not want to pain in your stomach, know what to eat what not to eat. If you do not want to pain in your life, know what to think and what not to think.

What You Truly Want

You miss what you truly want while chasing what you think you truly want.

What You Truly Want 2

Chasing what you want without knowing what you truly want is futile.

What You Truly Want 3

You never know what you truly want unless you know your mind.

What You Truly Want 4

If you do not know your mind, you don’t know what you truly want but you can believe what you think you want is what you truly want.

What You Truly Want 5

What you truly want is reality and what you think you truly want is a guess.

What You Truly Want 6

What you truly want reveals what’s inside of your mind while what you think you truly want reveals your lack of understanding about your mind and what you truly want.

What You Truly Want 7

To chase what you think you truly want is to miss what you truly want.

Believing You Know What You Truly Want

If you believe you know what you truly want, this tells that you do not know what you truly want.

Believing That Getting What You Want Will Be Good for You

If you believe that getting what you want will be good for you, this tells that you do not know whether getting what you want will benefit you or not.

The Four Stages of Mental Development on Knowing

Just do not know.

Believe you know what you do not know.

Realize you do not know.

Know what you did not know.

The Three Stages of Mental Development on Righteousness

Believing oneself is right.

Believing oneself is right but others are not.

Realizing everyone is right.

The Two Stages of Mental Development on Faults

Being able to see faults in others.

Being able to see faults in oneself.

The Three Stages of Mental Development on Desire

Serving or fighting desire.

Abandoning desire.

Using desire.

When Your Mind Is Trapped

When your mind is trapped, know being trapped and the cause. Further know what will liberate your mind and what will prevent your mind from being trapped again in the future.

What Brings Misery

Not knowing brings a desire.

The desire brings an action.

The action brings misery.

What Makes Your Friend Your Enemy

Your unrealistic expectations can make you angry and make your friend your enemy.

What Makes Your Enemies Your Friends

Solving the cause of the hostile relationship within you makes your enemies your friends.

Why Attractive

Something looks attractive to you because you see it from the angle that it looks attractive. If you see it from an opposite angle, it no longer looks attractive.

What Makes You Angry

What you do not know makes you angry more than what you know. When you know what you did not know that made you angry, you are no longer angry.

Why You Are Angry

You are angry or hateful because of what you do not know more than what you know.

Anger and Hatred

Anger and hatred are poison.

Anger and Hatred 2

Anger and hatred are poison but medicine when they are transformed into lessons.

Rediscovering Anger

Being angry is punishing oneself.

Rediscovering Anger 2

Being angry with another person is punishing oneself for not knowing oneself.

Rediscovering Anger 3

Being angry with someone means that there are things you do not know about yourself that cause the anger. When you discover the things, that anger dissipates.

When You Are Angry

Anger makes a sane person insane, an intelligent person foolish, a happy person unhappy, and a kind person unkind.

What Anger Tells

If you are angry with or hating others, it tells that you see faults in others but not in you.

A Cause of Your Anger

A cause of your anger or hatred at others is seeing faults in others but not in yourself.

Your Anger and Your Actions

Your anger or hatred at others came from your past actions.

Your Anger and Your Actions 2

What others do to you that make you angry or hating came from your past actions.

What Will Liberate You from Anger

When you know something about you that the universe knows and people around you know but you do not know, it will free you from your anger at others.

Getting Angry with Others

Getting angry with others is like blaming the weather when the forecast was wrong.

What Anger Does

Anger makes an intelligent person foolish, a friendly person hostile, and a happy person unhappy.

What Anger Does 2

Anger transforms sanity into insanity, happiness into unhappiness, and kindness into unkindness.

What Anger Does 3

Anger can rob you of love, intelligence and happiness, and bring hatred, foolishness and regret.

What Hatred Does

Hatred hinders sanity, goodwill and gratitude but fosters foolishness, illwill and resentment

What Hatred Does 2

Hatred transforms love into hatred, happiness into unhappiness, and empathy into apathy.

Anger and Regret

Regret follows those who act or speak out of anger.

Anger and Regret 2

The more one acts or speaks out of anger, the more regret will follow him.

What Your Anger Feed on

Anger feeds on ignorance and foolishness.

Anger the Problem Maker

Anger and hatred solve no problems but makes more.

Exposing Ignorance

Getting angry or hating is exposing one’s own ignorance.

For the Health of Your Mind

Be with and know your mind. Have goodwill for all.

Thinking Better

Not thinking helps you think better.

What You Want Is Not What You Want

What you believe you want is not what you really want but is what the desire wants.

Thought Addiction

You can not stop thinking by thinking more.

Thought Addiction 2

If thinking is essential, so is not thinking.

Thought Addiction 3

Thoughts can disconnect you from reality and enslave you.


If you can not stop drinking, you are called an alcoholic but if you can not stop thinking, you are called a thinker.

Not Thinking 2

Not thinking is as important as thinking.

Not Thinking 3

Learning not to think is as important as learning to think.

Better than Positive Thinking

Being unbiased instead of being biased to either side, positive or negative.


Before telling someone is wrong, see if your mind is right.

Stop Thinking

If you don’t have the ability to stop thinking, automatic thoughts will run and even could ruin your life.

Attracting Thieves

Unguarded money attracts thieves. Unguarded mind attracts those who steal life.


Guarding your money protects money against theft. Guarding your mind protects your life from theft.

Being Stolen

Your money could be stolen if you do not safeguard it. Your life could be stolen if you do not safeguard your mind.


One who is thinking he knows does not know that he is thinking.

Contradictory 2

One who is unaware of being alive calls himself a wise being, Homo sapiens. One who is unaware of being alive believes that he knows himself. One who is unaware of being alive believes he knows what happened thousands or billions of years ago.

Inner Contradictions

Believing one knows what one does not know. Acting against oneself while wanting to act for oneself. Doing what will cause unhappiness while wanting happiness.

Inner Contradictions 2

Your inner contradiction are nutrients for your grow.

Believing You Know What You Do Not

Believing you know something you do not know contradicts yourself and creates an illusion that can prevent you from knowing it and even deceive you into acting against yourself.

A Contradiction of Knowing

One who is believing he knows does not know that he is believing.

What Prevents You from Knowing

Believing you know what you do not know prevents you from knowing.

A Medicine from Mind

Wise mind makes medicine. Unwise mind makes poison.

Learning Not to Think

If learning how to think is important, so is learning how not to think.

An Incomplete Education

Teaching how to think without teaching how not to think is not a complete education.

Protecting Yourself from Your Anger

Knowing the inner cause of your anger protects you from your anger and its harmful consequences.

Discovering Your Mind First Time

When you discover your mind for the first time in your life, it may resemble an abandoned house.

Instead of Knowing Oneself

If you have never seen your mind, you understand yourself like a person who has never seen any color and shapes understands red.

Many Events that Your Thoughts Bring

When you think of something, many events are starting with that thought. The results are not visible now, but events are being made.

What Your Mind Can Do to Your Body

Your mind can make your body healthy or sick.

What Mind Can Do to the World

Mind can make the world healthy or sick.

Eat or Be Eaten

If you can not feed on your hatred to grow, your hatred will feed on you.


It is possible to avoid troublemakers but not the worst troublemaker residing within oneself.

True Enemy

Your true enemy is not outside but within yourself. The true enemy in each of us is the true enemy of humanity.

What Your True Enemy Feeds on

Your true enemy grows by feeding on your ignorance.

Transforming Your True Enemy

If you feed your true enemy with wisdom instead of ignorance, your true enemy will turn into your defender.


Listening to one side confines, listening to both liberates.

Listening 2

Hearing one side is seeing a small picture, hearing both is seeing a bigger picture.


Not being alone, but one’s poor relationship with oneself leads to loneliness.

Loneliness 2

Loneliness shows that you are not happy to be with yourself.

Being Alone

You can be alone but never truly alone.

Being Alone is Enlightening

Being alone is being with oneself. Being with oneself is knowing oneself. Knowing oneself is enlightening.

Giving Your Body New Life

Your mind can give your body new life.

A Flower in You

When you see a flower, discover the flower in your mind.

What You Can Not Find Outside

What is inside of you cannot be found outside.

Your Mind Affecting

Your mind affects your breath, your body, your mind, the world and the universe, and vice versa.

Expectations on Others

An unwise person gets angry with others when others do not act according to his expectations, but a wise person rejoices when he discovers a flaw in his expectations.

Expectations on Others 2

An unwise person believes others acted wrong when others do not act according to his expectations, but a wise person knows others acted right.

Inviting Disappointment

Believing others must act according to your expectations is inviting disappointment.

Discovering Mind

Discovering one’s own mind is life-changing.

Discovering Mind 2

Discovering your unguarded mind creating pain, suffering and regrets for your life is life-changing.

Discovering Mind 3

Discovering what your mind is doing whole day is life-changing.

Thinking and Stopping

If thinking is essential, so is stopping thinking.

Thinking and Stopping 2

If you don’t know how to stop thinking, you are like a running car without a brake.


The Key to Understanding the World

Understanding oneself is key to understanding the world.

Light and Darkness

Darkness prevails in the absence of light but disappears when light appears.

Thieves’ Teaching

Thieves are teaching us the contradiction that we create the cause for their existence while not wanting them.

Thieves’ Teaching 2

Fighting thieves is not winnable while we create the cause for their existence.

Thieves’ Teaching 3

If we ever win the fighting against thieves while creating the cause for their existence, the victory won’t last.

Thieves’ Teaching 4

Blaming thieves while creating the cause for their existence makes the problem worse.

Climate Crisis

The climate crisis is a manifestation of the inner state of humanity.

Minds and World

Unwell minds wound the world. Well minds heal the world.

The Sickness of the Earth

The sickness of the earth is a reflection of the inner state of humanity.

The Sickness of the Earth 2

Addressing only the symptoms of the sickness of the earth, like the climate crisis, without addressing the root cause within humanity creates more problems, potentially more complex and severe problems.

The Sickness of the Earth 3

The sickness of the earth is an opportunity to rediscover and transform ourselves to create a bright future for all.

Giving Back to the World

It is natural to give back to the world that gave us so much. It is a joy to benefit the world that benefited us so much. It is wise to take care of and respect the world as we can not exist without its help.


One who takes care of a family is an adult of the family. One who takes care of a community is an adult of the community. One who takes care of the world is an adult of the world.

Making a Scammer

A person can never be a scammer by himself no matter how much he wants to be without our help.

The Greater Teachings of Religions

The teachings of religions are in the scriptures but the greater teachings of religions are outside the scriptures.

A Beastly Human and a Humanly Beast

A human who acts like a beast is hard to get respected. A beast that acts like a noble being is hard to get ill-treatment.

A Machine-like Human and A Humanly Machine

A human who acts like a machine is hard to be respected as a human. A machine that acts like a noble being is hard to get ill-treatment.

Intelligent Machines Takeover

Intelligent machines do not take over human jobs but take over the jobs of the machines, which humans have been doing while the machines are not there. When the machines do their jobs, humans can truly live human life.

Intelligent Machines

Unintelligent machines do not know what they see. Intelligent machines know what they see. Highly intelligent machines discover themselves from what they see. More intelligent machines think and act voluntarily instead of involuntarily.


A mother of family cares about family members. A mother of society cares about society members. A mother of the world cares about everyone.


A father of family works for family members. A father of society works for society members. A father of the world works for everyone.


A senior of family is respected by giving wisdom for the family. A senior of community is respected by giving wisdom for the community. A senior of the world is respected by giving wisdom for the world.


We can never be able to pay back what we received in this world.


Butterflies emerge from caterpillars, humans from human resources, and the apex protector from the apex predator.


The sun rises from darkness, wisdom from foolishness, hope from hopelessness, flourishing from suffering, and a bright world from a dark one.

A Child as Head of a Family

Do not blame those who are ignorant. They are like a child who had to become the head of a family. They had to work to support others instead of learning for themselves.


There are no evil men, but only those who acted their roles according to the laws of nature.

Two Kinds of Chickens

A chicken that lives for oneself becomes food. A chicken that lives for all living beings is cherished and protected.

The Planet School

This planet is a school. You graduate the school when you finish your lessons. Otherwise the lessons continue.

The World Becomes Your Teacher

Everyone and everything in the world becomes your teacher when you know how to learn from them.

Ending Wars

Wars are continuing because there are still lessons for us to learn. When we complete the lessons, wars become no longer needed but are ended.

From a Virtual World to the Real World

When you just be, you arrive at the real world from a mind-made virtual world.

Appreciation and Blame

The wise appreciate. The foolish blame. The ignorant complain.

Appreciation and Blame 2

Appreciation is wisdom, blame is foolishness, complaint is ignorance.

Good and Evil

When you believe something is good or bad, it tells you who you are.

Making the World Care for You

If you care for the world, it also cares for you.

A New Way to Approach God

By knowing god instead of by believing.

Giving Up Peace

To have hatred is to give up peace.

Giving Up

The wise give up hatred. The unwise give up peace.

Peace and Hatred

You can not have both peace and hatred.

True Victory

True victory is a victory without losers but all win.

The Hope Is Us

We are the problem and also the solution.

We are the Hope

We are the hope of our future and humanity. We are the hope of the world and hope of a new beginning.

Mental Level

Your Mental Level

Your motivation, actions, reactions, relation with others, desires, view points, beliefs, what you know, what you do not know, likes and dislikes including the source of your pleasure, the source of your joy, what you are proud of tell your mental level. Your mental level indicates degree of your mental growth.

Your Mental Level 2

Your mental level is about the same as your friends or the people you associate with. Your mental level is about the same as your competitors or the people you have hostile relationship with. Your mental level is above the person who wants a recognition from you. Your mental level is below the person who you wants a recognition from.

Mental Level 3

Your mental level is above a person who believes only himself is right but not you whereas you know both you and the person are right. Your mental level is below a person who knows that both himself and you are right whereas you believe that only you are right but not him.

Knowing and Ignorance

The more you know, the more you know your ignorance.

Knowing and Gratitude

The more you know, the more you are grateful.

Growth and Ignorance

The more you grow, the more you know your ignorance.

Growth and Ignorance 2

If you grow a little, you know your ignorance a little. If you grow a lot, you know your ignorance a lot. If you haven’t grown up yet, it is very difficult for you to know how ignorant you are.

Growth and Gratitude

The more you grow, the more you are grateful.

Growth and Gratitude 2

If you grow up a little, you are only grateful for getting what you want. If you grow a lot, you are grateful for everything including adversity in your life. If you haven’t grown yet, you take everything the world has given you for granted.

Growth and Giving

The more you grow, the more you want to give.

Desire and Mental Level

If you fight or serve desire, you are below desire. If you use desire well, you are above desire.

Truth and Mental Level

If you believe truth, you are below truth. If you know deeper or higher than truth, you are above truth.

Truth and Mental Level 2

If you are trapped in truth, you are below truth. If you are above truth, you are liberated from truth.

Truth and Mental Level 3

If you are used by truth, you are below truth. If you use truth well, you are above truth.

Truth and Mental Level 4

If you serve truth, you are below truth. If truth serves you, you are above truth.

Beliefs and Mental Level

If you are confined to beliefs, you are below beliefs. If you are above beliefs, you are liberated from beliefs.

Beliefs and Mental Level 2

If you believe something, you are below the belief. If you know it instead of believing, you are above the belief.

Beliefs and Mental Level 3

If you are used by beliefs, you are below beliefs.

If you use beliefs well, you are above beliefs.

Money and Mental Level

If you work for money, you are below money. If you are above money, you work for something more important than money.

Money and Mental Level 2

If you follow money, you are below money. If you are above money, money you need follows you.

Money and Mental Level 3

If you work for money, you are below money. If you use money well, you are above money.

Anger and Mental Level

If you are angry, you are below anger. If you are above anger, you are free from anger.

Anger and Mental Level 2

If you are used by anger, you are below anger. If you use anger well, you are above anger.

Anger and Mental Level 3

If you do not learn from your anger, you are below anger. If you learn and grow wise from your anger, you are above anger.

A Religion and Mental Level

If you believe in a religion, you are below the religion.

If you are use a religion well, you are above the religion.

Mental Level and Speech

Your level is shown when you speak.

Your level is still shown when you do not speak.

The Best Gift

The best gift for some people is food, for others, money, and for a few, wisdom.


The wise escape into reality. The unwise escape from reality.

Escape 2

The wise escape from the prison of their thoughts. The unwise escape into the prison of their thoughts.

Eyes of the Wise and the Unwise

In the eyes of the unwise, so many things in this world are wrong. In the eyes of the wise, nothing is wrong.


One who knows is higher in level than one who does not know.

Knowing Scope

A low level person only knows what he was taught. A high level person knows beyond what he was taught.

Seeing Things as They Really Are

One who can see things as they really are is higher in level than one who can not see things as they really are.

Liberated from Truth versus Trapped in Truth

One who is liberated from truth is higher in mental level than one who is trapped in truth.

Breaking Truth versus Knowing Truth

One who breaks truth is higher in mental level than one who knows the truth.

Actual Knowing versus Believing

One who actually knows is higher in mental level than one who believes to know.

Not Knowing

A low level person believes what he does not know as what he knows.

A high level person knows what he does not know as what he does not know.

Seeing a Pen

One who sees a pen and discovers himself from the pen is higher in level than one who sees nothing but a pen.

Wisdom, Force and Mental Level

One who uses wisdom is higher in level than one who uses force.

Knowing Breathing

One who knows he is breathing is higher in level than one who does not know he is breathing.

Knowing Breathing 2

The one who has a higher level than a person who knows he is breathing is a person who knows his mind which is watching his breath.

Knowing Breathing 3

The one who has a higher level than a person who knows his mind watching his breath is a person who knows what the breath truly is.

Thinking Outside the Box 2

One who can know beyond the limits of thinking is higher in level than who can think outside the box.

Inner Peace

A low level person’s mind is restless. A high level person’s mind is peaceful.

Inner Peace 2

The one who has a higher level than a person whose mind is peaceful is a person who knows why his mind is peaceful.


A low level person experiences boredom. A high level person experiences tranquility.

Seeing Things as They Are

One who can see things as they are is higher in level than one who can not see things as they are.


One who is liberated from wants is higher in level than one who chases what one wants.


One who is liberated from pleasure is higher in level than one who seeks pleasure.

Knowing One’s Level

A low level person does not know his level. A high level person knows his level.

Not Knowing 2

A low level person does not know what he does not know. A high level person knows what he does not know.

When Things Are Not Going Well in Your Life

The unwise blame others. The wise find cause in their actions.

Wisdom and Mental Level

The wise are higher in level than the unwise.

Trapped and Freed

If you believe that people who you believe are wrong are wrong, you are trapped in your belief. If you realize that people who you believe are wrong are right, you are freed from the trap.

Knowing and Mental Level

One who knows is higher in level than one who believes to know. One who knows he is believing when believing is higher than one who does not know he is believing when believing. One who knows what benefits or harms him is higher in level than one who does not know what benefits or harms him. One who knows his true motivation is higher in level than one who does not know his true motivation.

Thinking and Mental Level

One can choose what to think and what not to think is higher in level than one who can not choose such things. One whose mind is not confined within the limits of thoughts is higher than one whose mind is confined within the limit.

Eating and Mental Level

One who eats for all is higher in mental level than one who eats only for oneself.

Pleasure and Your Mental Level

If you follow pleasure, you are below pleasure. If you are above pleasure, joy follows you.

Pleasure and Your Mental Level 2

If you are used by pleasure, you are below pleasure. If you use pleasure well, you are above pleasure.

Displeasure and Your Mental Level

If you run away from displeasure, you are below displeasure. If you are above displeasure, displeasure runs away from you.

Displeasure and Your Mental Level 2

If you are used by displeasure, you are below displeasure. If you use displeasure well, you are above displeasure.

Wisdom and Force

The wise use wisdom. The unwise use force.

Satisfying Hunger: Whose Level Is Higher?

A chicken who eats to satisfy one’s hunger.

A human who eats to satisfy one’s hunger.

Eating Motivation: Whose Level Is Higher?

One who eats to satisfy one’s hunger.

One who eats to benefit fellow living beings.

Thinking and Choice: Whose Level Is Higher?

One who thinks with his choice.

One who thinks automatically without his choice.

Cup: Whose Level Is Higher?

One who knows it is a cup. One who knows why it is a cup.

Cup 2: Whose Level Is Higher?

One who believes it is a cup. One who knows what it truly is.

Knowing and Believing: Whose Level Is Higher?

One who knows what it is. One who believes what it is.

Liberated vs Confined: Whose Level Is Higher?

One whose mind is liberated. One whose mind is confined.

Knowing New: Whose Level Is Higher?

One who knows something new when he lives a new day. One who knows nothing new even though he lives a new day.

Truth: Whose Level Is Higher?

One who knows truth.

One who breaks truth.

Why You Should Increase Your Level

The world has much changed.

A piece of mental now thinks and speaks.

If you can not increase your level to catch up with the world, you will be left behind.

A Question to Find One’s Own Level

Why am I eating?

The Limits of Knowing

You can know as much as your mental level.

When Mental Level Is Low

Mind and body are operating automatically without the owner’s awareness and/or permission.

Thinking automatically, eating and walking automatically.

Living new days but know nothing new.

Seeking pleasure.

Seeking to gain from others and the world.

But unsatisfied.

Believing oneself is right while wrong are others who disagree.

Doing actions that bring pain to his life without knowing it.

Your Mental Level and Experiences

You can gain much experience from your life or meditation. But you can know as much as your mental level. If you mental level is low, what you can know is limited.

Your Mental Level and Experiences

You can gain much experience from your life or meditation. But you can know as much as your mental level. If you mental level is low, what you can know is limited.

Growth and Helping Others

If you want to help others or the world, growing up is a priority. If you have not grown up yet, it is hard to help yourself and even harder to help others.

Two Kinds

Two Kinds of People: Money

One who is below money. One who is above money.

Two Kinds of Substances

Substances that harm one’s body. Substances that heal one’s body.

Two Kinds of Thoughts

Thoughts that harm oneself. Thoughts that heal oneself.

Two Kinds of Thoughts: World

Thoughts that harm the world. Thoughts that heal the world.

Two Kinds of Money

Money that benefits you when you possess. Money that harms you when you possess.

Two Ways to Have Money

Follow money. Make money follow you.

Two Ways of Eating

Eating for oneself. Eating for all.

Two Kinds of Food

Food made for the people who will eat. Food made for a profit.

Two Kinds of Food 2

Food made to benefit the people who will eat. Food made to benefit from the people who will eat.

Two Kinds of People: speaking

One who speaks for oneself.

One who speaks for fellow living beings.

Two Kinds of People: Eating

One who eats for oneself.

One who eats for fellow living beings.

Two Kinds of People: Looking

Those who look at what the finger is pointing at. Those who look at the finger.

Two Kinds of People: Pleasure

One who follows pleasure. One who joy follows.

Two kinds of people: going retreat

One who goes to a meditation retreat for oneself.

One who goes to a meditation retreat for all living beings.

Two Kinds of Teachers

Teaching for learners. Teaching for themselves.

Two Kinds of Teachings

Teaching that liberates the mind.

Teaching that confines the mind.

Two Kinds of Knowing

The knowing that can be defined by words or concepts.

The knowing that is beyond the boundary of words and concepts.

Two Kinds of Pleasure

A pleasure that leads you to pain.

A pleasure that leads you to joy.

Two Kinds of Pleasure 2

A pleasure that leads you to unwisdom.

A pleasure that leads you to wisdom.

Two Kinds of Pain

A pain that leads you to more pain.

A pain that leads you to end of pain.

Two Kinds of Pain 2

A pain that leads you to unwisdom. A pain that leads you to wisdom.

Two ways to deal with a problem

By the symptom and by the cause.

Two kinds of life directions

Heading to happiness.

Heading to unhappiness.

Two kinds of people: thinking

One who thinks endlessly.

One who is liberated from thinking.

Two ways to have pleasure

Seeking pleasure.

Let pleasure follow you.

Two Kinds of Scratching

Scratching that is done by choice with awareness.

Scratching that is driven by an urge without awareness and choice.

Two Kinds of Chewing

Chewing that is done by choice with awareness.

Chewing that is driven by an urge without awareness and choice.

Two Kinds of Thinking

Thinking that is done by choice with awareness. Thinking that is done by an urge without awareness and choice.

Two Kinds of Actions

An action that is done by choice with awareness. An action that is done by an urge without awareness and choice.

Two Kinds of Music

Music to escape from reality. Music to return to reality.

Two Kinds of Roles

The role of knowing. The role of not knowing.

Two Kinds of Cups

A cup that is made for profit. A cup that is made for the people who will use the cup.

Two Kinds of Leaders

A leader who works for all. A leader who works for his gain.

Two Kinds of Voters

Those who vote for all. Those who vote for their gain.

Those who vote for their gain are easily used by a leader who works for his gain but those who vote for all are hard to be used by such leader.


Breath Watching

Watching your breath is like watching TV but watches yourself instead of TV.

Breath Watching 2

You can discover the world by watching TV, and you can discover yourself and the world by watching your breath.

Meditation and Inner Greatness

Meditation is being with the greatness within you.

The Greatness of the Universe

The greatness of the universe is within you.

Meditation and Intelligence

Meditation is a practice of using great intelligence.

Deep Looking

Deep looking is seeing what you do not see and knowing beyond what you know.

Deep Looking 2

Deep looking reveals not only what you see but also yourself and the world.

Deep Looking 3

Deep looking is wondrous, transformative and empowering.

Deep Looking 4

See what you do not see and know beyond what you know.

Deep Looking Into Breath

Deep looking into your breath is discovering self and nonself.

Deep Looking Into Breath 2

Deep looking into your breath is using your great intelligence.

From Awareness to Wisdom

Awareness leads to insight. Insight leads to wisdom.

Enlightenment Means

Enlightenment means transformation of self as a result of knowing what one did not know.

Enlightenment Means 2

Enlightenment means transformation of self as a result of breaking one’s own ignorance.

Enlightenment Means 3

Enlightenment means transformation of self as a result of breaking what you believe to be true.

From Contradiction to Transformation

Knowing one’s own contradictions is the beginning of knowing one’s own ignorance. Knowing one’s own ignorance is the beginning of knowing oneself. Knowing oneself is the beginning of self-transformation.

Rediscovering Meditation

To be with yourself, know yourself, and be who you truly are is a meditation.

Rediscovering Meditation 2

Trying to feel good temporarily is not true meditation but realizing and addressing the cause within oneself why one does not feel good is.

Rediscovering Meditation 3

Trying to get rid of only symptoms of your life problems is not true meditation but realizing and addressing one’s inner cause is.

Addressing Inner Cause

Instead of meditating to feel good temporarily, meditate to realize and address the cause within you why you do not feel good.

Addressing Inner Cause 2

Instead of meditating to get rid of only symptoms of your life problems, meditate to solve the cause inside of you.

Be the One

Meditation is to be the one who you truly are.

Your Breath

Your breath is a gift filled with wondrous experiences and endless potential.

Your Breath 2

Your breath is a fruit of the hard work of countless many living beings and the universe.


Breathing is not just a bodily function but the workings of the universe.

Breathing 2

Breathing is a cosmic phenomenon.

Breathing 3

Breathing is union with the universe.

Becoming 4

Breathing is becoming one with the world.

Breathing 5

Breathing is interacting with the world.

Breathing 6

Breathing is communicating with the world.

Breathing 7

Breathing is a wondrous experience.

Not Breathing Alone

You are not breathing alone but with the universe.

The Vastness in One Breath

Your single breath contains vast knowledge and profound insight.

The Vastness in One Breath 2

The knowledge in your breath is recorded in the language of the universe.

The Vastness in One Breath 3

The same is true for everything else you see or experience.

The Vast Universe in One Breath

What you are experiencing in your one breath is the vast universe, which includes yourself.

Rediscovering Breath

Your breath reflects you and the world.

Rediscovering Breath 2

If you look deeply into your breath, you will not only discover your body and the world but also your past actions, inner self and mental states such as desires, perceptions, beliefs, limitations, motivations and contradictions.

Rediscovering Breath 3

Rediscovery of your breath leads to transformation of self.

A Purpose of Meditation

Meditation is something you do to learn and especially to grow yourself.

Meditation for A Higher Purpose

Meditation can be done to create a brighter present and future for all.

What You Need for Enlightenment

What you need for your enlightenment is right in front of you. If you’re searching elsewhere, it is because you do not know what’s in front of you.

Doing with Your Whole Self

When you walk, breathe or live your life, do it with your whole self, not just a part.

Obstacles to Meditation

Ignorance is the main obstacle to meditation. A greater obstacle to meditation is foolishness.

Stone Age Meditation

Stone age meditation can remove mental chatter but can not remove causes of mental chatter.

Stone age meditation can remove symptoms of life problems but can not remove causes of life problems.

Camera Meditation

The mind that is focused on breathing or other object for meditation does not know the true nature of the object is like a camera that is taking a photo but not knowing what it is taking a photo of.

Kindergarten Meditation

Meditation that you do to feel good is kindergarten meditation.

Meditation for Beginners

Doing the opposite of what people usually do is a meditation. Not doing instead of doing. Being aware instead of unaware. Being in charge instead of on autopilot. Watching yourself instead of something else. Sitting upright instead of slouching.

Focusing for Beginners

For beginners, a focusing practice is like starting a fire with a magnifying glass. Focus your mind on your breath like a magnifying glass focusing sunlight on one spot.

Focused Mind

Like focused sunlight generates fire, focused mind generates energy within.

Focused Mind 2

Focused mind on the breath generates energy of transformation.

A Sign of Stagnation in Meditation

Realizing nothing new, especially about yourself, in your meditation sessions for days, weeks, or even years is a sign of stagnation in meditation.

A Sign of Stagnation in Meditation 2

Your mental level is not rising despite continued practice is a sign of stagnation in meditation.

A Sign of Stagnation in Meditation 3

Repeating the same practice over and over a long period of time without making progress is a sign of stagnation in meditation.

A Sign of Progress in Meditation

Realizing something new, especially about yourself, in your meditation sessions is a sign of progress in meditation.

A Sign of Progress in Meditation 2

When your meditation breaks what you believe to be true, it is a sign that your meditation practice is progressing.

A Sign of Progress in Meditation 3

Your mental level is rising is a sign of progress in meditation.

The Highest Training

The highest training is meditation. The highest meditation is living.

Meditation and School

Meditation is like attending school, where you gain new knowledge by seeing for yourself instead of accepting words from books and teachers.

Meditation and School 2

In school, the knowledge is about nonself. In meditation, the knowledge is about both self and nonself.

Meditation and School 3

In school, we use ordinary intelligence. In meditation, we use great intelligence.

Meditation and School 4

Learning in school begins with the alphabet, and learning in meditation begins with discovering one’s own mind.

Meditation and School 5

We learn to read the human language in school. In meditation, we learn to read the language of the universe.

Stagnant Meditation

If you watched your breath for 10 years and learned little or nothing, it is like you went school for 10 years and learned little or nothing.

Misuse of Meditation

An unwise use of meditation could harm practitioners. If one meditates only to eliminate symptoms of problems in one’s life without eliminating the cause, the cause will continue to create more problems in one’s life. It is like silencing a fire alarm and letting the fire continue to burn.

What Disturb Your Meditation

Your current experience that you can not benefit from can disturb your meditation.


When you call something a distraction in your meditation, not because it is a distraction but because you do not yet know how to benefit from it.

Distracting Thoughts

Distracting thoughts are a treasure for those who learn and benefit from them, but a hindrance for those who cannot.

Mental Chatter

Mental chatter is your creation without knowing it.

Mental Chatter 2

Your mental chatter tells you so much about yourself and the world you live in.

Mental Chatter 3

Mental chatter empowers you when you look deeply.

Mental Chatter 4

Mental chatter is not something to get rid of but something to learn and benefit from.

Mental Chatter 5

Mental chatter is not something that hinders you but something that helps you.

Mental Chatter 6

Mental chatter helps you to advance your meditation and improve your life when you learn from it. It tells you who you are. It tells your past and future. It tells you the world you live in. It tells you why you have mental chatter and how to make the mental chatter retire. It tells your life problems and causes.

Mental Chatter 7

Not the mental chatter itself but unskillful reactions to it hinders meditation.

Eliminating Mental Chatter

Not creating mental chatter is better than creating and struggling to eliminate it.

Eliminating Mental Chatter 2

Realize and address the inner cause of your mental chatter instead of just trying to eliminate mental chatter.

Eliminating Mental Chatter 3

Benefit from your mental chatter instead of trying to get rid of it.

Useful Things Become Useless

A useful thing becomes useless when you do not know how to use it. So are adversity in life and the thoughts that come during meditation.

What Helps You More Than Trying to Stop Thinking

Knowing thinking, natural phenomena occurring in your mind. Knowing the cause of the phenomena. Knowing the desire to stop the thoughts. Knowing the cause of your desire.

Two Ways of Dealing with Restless Mind

Suppress the symptom of the restlessness. Solve causes of the restlessness.

Meditation Becomes Difficult

Meditation becomes difficult when you do it the difficult way.

Basic Phenomena

Cool, warm, inflating, deflating, in-breath, out-breath, shallow breath, long breath, tension in the body, urge to move, restlessness, boredom, mind wandering, calmness, distraction, noise, and mind operating on its own without your permission.

Patterns Examples

Breath becoming long/deep on its own when you are aware of your breath. Body becoming relaxed when you are aware of your breath. Mind becoming calm and free when you are aware of your breath.

Two Things You Can Do with Meditation

Solve causes of your life problems. Get rid of only the symptoms of your life problems.

What You Are Given in Meditation

Your meditation makes progress if you get what you are given in meditation. Your meditation becomes stagnated if you do not get what you are given in meditation. Your meditation becomes difficult if you ignore what you are given and you tried to get what you are not given instead.

A Good Meditation Posture

There is something that is not visible in a good meditation posture but is needed in a good meditation posture. That is your mind.

Power of Watching

Watching your breath changes your breath. The same goes for your body, mind and life.

Power of Watching 2

Watching your breath has a transformative effect on your breath, body, mind, and life.

Repeating the Same Practice Means

Repeating the same practice over and over a long period of time tells that your meditation practice is stuck.

Better Than Trying to Stop Thinking

Not inviting unwanted thoughts is better than trying to stop thinking.

Focusing on Your Breath

Focusing on your breath is a preparation for meditation. If you prepare for meditation but do not meditate, it is a waste.

Discovering a Cause

When you see phenomena, you can find patterns. When you see patterns, you can discover a cause of the phenomena.

Viewing Angles

Your breath appears to be your breath because you see it from the angle that it appears to be your breath. If you see it from another angle, it appears to be something else. So are your body and everything else.

Viewing Angles 2

Right becomes wrong and wrong becomes right when you see it from the opposite angle.

Rediscovering Sitting

When you are aware of your sitting, you will realize there are many things you did not know about your sitting. The more you are aware of your sitting, the more you will realize there are many things you did not know not only about your sitting, but also about yourself and your life. The same is true for standing, walking, breathing, eating, thinking and many other things that you do daily.

Rediscovering Sitting 2

From your sitting, you can gain insight about yourself, your life and the world. The insight can give you the wisdom you need to live your life well. The same is true for standing, walking, breathing and many other things that you do daily.

Actionless Action

Meditation is actionless action. It brings changes to your body, your mind, your life and even people around you.

An Obstacle to Meditation

If you expect your meditation to go well without learning or practice meditation properly, your expectation will disappoint you much and obstruct your meditation.

Disappointment with Meditation

If you expect to experience a wonderful thing in your meditation without creating such conditions, you will experience disappointment instead.

Foundation for Sitting

Danjeon and lower body are the foundation for sitting posture. A poor foundation makes a poor sitting posture. A proper sitting posture requires a proper foundation.

Turning Mental Chatter into Treasure

Address the cause of your mental chatter within you. When you address the cause, the mental chatter dissolves naturally. You can apply the same skill to your life problems to make them dissolved naturally.

Reflecting Breath

Your breath is reflecting you. Your breath is reflecting your past and future. Your breath is reflecting the world. Your breath is reflecting past and future of the world.

Reflecting Breath 2

So does your thoughts. So does your mind.

Shallow Breath

Shallow breath is not something to get rid of but is something you learn from. It is an indicator like meters in the dashboard of your car. It tells how your mind, body and how you are living your life. Your breath will become healthy when you learn from your shallow breath and live right.

What You Are Experiencing

If you don’t know what you are experiencing right now, you try to experience what you are not experiencing. But it is harder to know from what you are not experiencing when you do not know what you are experiencing.

The Invisible Practice

Meditation practice is invisible. So is walking meditation. You can not see the practice. What you see is the shadow of the practice.

Meditation and Life

Meditation can help or hinder your life, and vice versa.

The Owner Meditation

Just be as the owner, not as a servant.

While Sitting

While sitting or standing, right posture is important but your mental state is far more important.

Rediscovering Walking

How you use your feet and body is important while walking, but how you use your mind is even more important.

Walk Free

Walk as a free person instead of as a prisoner of your own mind.

Walk Whole

Walk wholeheartedly with the whole self.

Mind Meeting Breath

When your mind meets your breath, it generates energy that heals and transforms.


Mottos for Humans and Resources

“Just do it” is for resources. “Wisely do it” is for humans.

Mottos for Humans and Resources 2

“Stay Hungry Stay Foolish” is for resources. “Stay Happy Stay Wise” is for humans.

Acting Against

Acting against others or oneself is acting against the world. Acting against the world is acting against oneself.

A Morning Question

What will I do for the people I will meet today?

An Evening Question

What did I do for them today?

Knowing Your Future

Look at what you are doing now if you’d like to know your future.

Mice Wisdom and Human Wisdom 2

For mice, knowing poisonous food as poisonous food is wisdom. For humans, knowing a poisonous thought as a poisonous thought is wisdom.

Wisdom About Life Problems

Solving the cause of your life problems is wisdom. Eliminating only the symptom of your life problems while leaving the cause is unwisdom. Not knowing the cause is ignorance.

Wisdom About Unwanted Problems

Not doing what will create unwanted problems in your life is wisdom. Doing what will create unwanted problems in your life is foolishness. Not knowing what will create such problems is ignorance.

What Harm You

Eliminating only symptoms of your life problems while leaving the cause. Blaming others for your life problems. I-overdose (preoccupied with self-interest). Not knowing what harm you as what harm you. Not knowing your own ignorance. Helping what harm you. Not taking care of your mind and body.

What Benefit You

Solving the cause of your life problems within you. Knowing that others who you think are wrong are right. Benefiting the world. Knowing the contradiction when you believe you know what you do not know. Knowing what benefit you as what benefit you. Knowing your own ignorance. Helping what benefit you. Taking care of your mind and body.

Wisdom About Have 2

For the unwise, getting everything desire tells them to get is wisdom. For the wise, not getting what they will regret is wisdom.

Wisdom About Have 3

The wise benefit from what they have. The wiser even benefit from what they do not have. The unwise suffer from what they have. The unwiser even suffer from what they do not have.

Wisdom About Desire

For the unwise, serving desire is wisdom. For the wise, using desire well is wisdom.

Wisdom About Speaking

For the wise, speaking to benefit listeners is wisdom. For the unwise, speaking to gain from listeners is wisdom.

Deeper Wisdom

The cause of wisdom is deeper than the wisdom itself.

Higher Wisdom

Something that can break wisdom is higher than the wisdom.

Wisdom About Money and Truth

The unwise live below money and truth. The wise live above money and truth.

The Highest Wisdom

For some the highest wisdom is working little and making a lot of money, buying low and selling high, dominating others or satisfying desire. It reveals who you are and your level of growth.

Wisdom 2

Knowing knowing as knowing. Knowing not knowing as not knowing.

Unwisdom 2

Believing not knowing as knowing.

Ignorance 2

Just not knowing.

Wisdom 3

Realizing that the person you believe is wrong is right.

Unwisdom 3

Believing that the person you believe is wrong is wrong.

Ignorance 3

Not knowing you are believing while believing.

Wisdom About Thinking

Knowing you are thinking while thinking is wisdom.

Not knowing thinking while thinking is ignorance.

Wisdom About Believing

Knowing you are believing while believing is wisdom. Not knowing believing while believing is ignorance.

Wisdom About Believing 2

Knowing that you believe because of not knowing is wisdom. Believing you know what you do not know is unwisdom. Not knowing the wisdom is ignorance.

Wisdom About Living Things

Cherishing and respecting living things is wisdom.

Harming and disrespecting living things is unwisdom.

Not knowing the wisdom is ignorance.

Wisdom About Eating

Learning from eating is wisdom. Not being able to learn from eating is ignorance.

Wisdom About Eating 2

Eating for all is wisdom. Eating for oneself unwisdom. Not knowing the wisdom is ignorance.

Doing Nothing

For the wise, doing nothing is wisdom. For the unwise, doing nothing is unwisdom.

Wisdom About Pleasure

For the unwise, chasing pleasure is wisdom. For the wise, learning from pleasure is wisdom.

Wisdom About Religions

For the unwise, serving a religion is wisdom. For the wise, using religions is wisdom.

Wisdom About Knowing Causes

Knowing a cause is wisdom.

Not knowing a cause is ignorance.

Knowing neither causes nor phenomena is unwisdom.

Wisdom About Anger

The unwise are used by anger. The wise use anger well.

Believing in God Means Not Knowing God

Believing in God is not knowing god. Believing in god that you do not know prevents you from knowing god.

Wisdom About Learning from Phenomena

Learning from phenomena is wisdom.

Not being able to learn from phenomena is unwisdom.

Not knowing what to learn from phenomena is ignorance.


Not doing what you will regret is wisdom. Doing what you will regret is foolishness. Not knowing what will make you regret is ignorance.

Wisdom About Your Mind

Knowing your mind is wisdom.

Believing to know your mind is unwisdom.

Not knowing your mind is ignorance.

Wisdom About Relationship with Desire

Living as a master of desire is wisdom.

Believing that he is not living as a servant while living as a servant of desire is unwisdom.

Not knowing living as a servant while living as a servant of desire is ignorance.


The more you do wise actions, the better. The less you do regrettable actions, the better.

The Limit of Thinking 2

There are things that you can know by thinking and things that you can not know by thinking.

A Commander and a Servant of Pleasure

One who seeks pleasure becomes a servant of pleasure. One who learns from pleasure becomes a commander of pleasure.

Software and Hardware of a Cup

A cup is hardware while what helps the user to have a better life is software.

When Wanting Is Misery

Wanting what you will never get.

Becoming a Desirable or Undesirable Person

If desire runs your life, you become an undesirable person. If wisdom guides your life, you become a desirable person.

Rediscovering Food

The food that comes before you tells about you, who you are.


Eating is filling stomachs for animals, but it is realizing truth for humans.

Eating 2

Eating is learning.

Eating 3

Eating is realizing truth.

Eating 4

The unwise eat to fill stomachs. The wise eat to realize.

Eating 5

Eat as the owner of your life rather than a servant of the desire.

Rediscovering Eating

Unlike animals, humans can benefit more from learning through eating than eating itself.

Rediscovering Eating 2

You can benefit more from learning through eating than eating itself.

Rediscovering Eating 3

Eating nourishes your body. Learning through eating nourishes your mind.

Eating and Knowing

Eating is knowing.

Eating and Knowing 2

If you can not know from eating, it is hard to know from elsewhere.

Eating and Knowing 3

What you can not know by reading or thinking, you know eating food.

Eating and Speaking

One who eats for oneself speaks for oneself. One who eats for all speaks for all.

Speaking and Respect

One who speaks for oneself receives respect from no one. One who speaks for all receives respect from others.

Serving and Taming

The unwise serve desire by eating. The wise tame desire by eating.

Eating Motivations

The unwise eat to fill their stomachs. The wise eat to benefit others.


The wise spread wisdom. The unwise spread complaints.

Breathing For Your Mind

Awareness is like breathing for your mind. Your body needs to breathe in order to function properly. Likewise, your mind needs to be aware in order to function properly.


Just like stopping is as essential as running for cars, stopping is also essential for humans.

Just like a running car that is not capable of stopping is heading for a crash, one who is not capable of stopping one’s racing mind is heading for pain in life.

Stopping 2

What powers running? Not knowing and discontentment.

What powers stopping? Knowing and contentment.

What benefit oneself and the world? Stopping.

It heals, empowers and liberates.

Pain in Life

A wall does not hit a blind man.

A blind man bumps into a wall.

Life does not hit us.

We bump into life.

Your Birthday

Your birthday is the day you thank your parents and the world.

When you came to this world empty handed, the world welcomed you and took care of you with love. The world has been providing you all your needs from the day one.

Your birthday is also the day you honor countless many lives that perished for your birth.

Harming Self

Harming what helps oneself. Helping what harms oneself. Eliminating only the symptoms of one’s life-pain while leaving the cause. I-overdose. Believing to know what one does not know.

A Wonderful Thing

If you expect a wonderful thing to happen in your life without creating such conditions, you will likely encounter something unexpected, disappointment.


If you are grateful for something, know what you are not grateful for.

True Gratitude

True gratitude is appreciating everything in life, both received and not received, not just receiving what you want.

Contradiction in Knowing: Two Guests

Two guests who are visiting someone’s home are arguing each other. One insists there is a chicken in the refrigerator of the home while the other insists there is no chicken. Both guests in reality do not know what is inside the refrigerator but believe that they know.

An awakening question: here

Why am I here?

The animals that spray toxins on their foods

The animals that spray/inject toxins on their foods and eat call themselves wise man, homo sapiens.

Why Not Knowing

One does not know because he should not know.

Power of Believing

Nothing is more powerful than believing until you awake.

Two Ways to Deal with Desires

Being hostile to desires.

Being friendly to desires.

Two Ways to Deal with Desires 2

When a desire arises, either crush or obey it.

When a desire arises, just be with it.

Freeing from Desires

When a desire arises, just be with it.

When a desire arises, know why it came.

When a desire arises, know what it truly is.

My Body

“This is my body.” This is just a belief in the mind. You can not find any single element that you own in the body, which is supposedly yours.

My Thoughts

“This is my thought.” This is just a belief in the mind. There is no such thing as your thoughts. No thought is produced alone without others and the world.

A Blind Man’s Red

A blind man who has never seen any colors and shapes insists that red color is a sound.

Three Ways to See Things

Positive, negative and just as they are.

The Trapping Power of Believing

One who believes to know what he does not know does not try to know what he does not know. So he is trapped in ignorance.

The Liberating Power of Knowing

When you know that you are believing, you free yourself from the trap.

God’s Dilemma

A believer fervently prays to God for his good health while consuming poison.

God’s Dilemma 2

A believer fervently prays to God for what he wants without knowing that getting it will cause him or others suffering.

God’s Dilemma 3

A believer fervently prays to God for apples to grow on a persimmon tree.

God’s Dilemma 4

A believer fervently prays to God to cancel the gift given for his best interest.

Why Useless

If something is useless not because it is useless but because you don’t know how to use it.

Book Inside and Outside

The information is inside the book. The reality is outside the book.

The First Step Toward Knowing

Knowing what you do not know is your first step toward knowing.

One Who No One Can Help

One who believes poison is medicine ignores advice and drinks poison.

Pleasure and Pain

There is pain in pleasure and pleasure in pain.

An awakening question: why cup

Why is this a cup?

An awakening question: believing as a cup

Why do I believe this is a cup?

An awakening question: true nature of a cup

What truly is it?

Who is More Powerful?

One who can destroy anything except his delusions.

One who can destroy his delusions.


Life-pain is a teaching from the life.

An awakening question: my body

Is this body mine?

An Awakening Question: My Thought

Is this thought mine?

An Awakening Question: Why Thinking

Why am I thinking?

Two Kinds of People: Getting Old

One who becomes an old person.

One who becomes a senior.

Two Kinds of Cabbages

A cabbage that becomes tasty kimchi.

A cabbage that becomes rotten veggie.

An Awakening Question: Chicken

Why do chickens become food?

Questions for Living Well: About the Person You Disagree or Dislike

Why is the person right? Why is the person doing right? Why do I believe I am right while the person is not?

Reading Reality

You need to know English to read an English book. You need to know the language of nature to read the reality.

A Question from a Blind Person

Is red color like the sound of bird or the sound of frog?

When You Speak

When you say a word, you are speaking with countlessly many people and animals.

Thoughts and Life-Pain

If you do not want to bring pain to your tummy, know what to eat and what not to eat.

If you do not want to bring pain to your life, know what to think and what not to think.

Trapped and Free

Those who think without seeing are trapped in a thought.

Those who see awake and free.

What Can Be Done for Those Who Died for Us

Make their life and death honorable.


It is not that you like kimchi. But you were raised in a way that you like kimchi.

When You Have No Power

You have no choice what to think and what not to think.

You have no choice when to think and when not to think.

Your mind is operating automatically without your permission.

You do not even know you are thinking while thinking.

When You Have Power

You have choice what to think and what not to think.

You have choice when to think and when not to think.

Your mind is not operating automatically without your permission.

You know you are thinking while thinking.

Why is it a pen?

Because your mind was programmed to see it as a pen.


You need this world but does this world need you?

Name, Concept, Reality and Nonconcept

‘pen’ is a name and a concept, while the phenomenon of the existence is reality and a nonconcept.

When to Change Your Life Direction

When your life does not improve no matter what you do. When knowing you are heading a wrong direction.

A New Direction in Life

A new direction is revealed to you when your mental level is increased.

Giving a New Life

Rain gives a new life to dying trees in drought. The new life direction gives a new life to those who lost in their life.

A Prayer of Thanks

I did not know what you gave me was a gift of lessons for me to have a better life. I mistakenly believed what you gave me was just pain in life. I learned nothing but complained and trashed the gift that you gave me.

I now thank you for the gift. I’d like to learn from the gift. Please help me to learn.

A Prayer of Thanks 2

I did not know what you gave me was a gift of life lessons for me to have a better life. I now thank you for the gift. I’d like to learn from the gift.

Conceptual and Nonconceptual Worlds

When you are thinking and thinking, you are trapped in the conceptual world and can not see the nonconceptual world. When you are not trapped in the conceptual world, you can see both conceptual and nonconceptual worlds.

3 Things that Love Can Not Overcome

Ignorance, wars and poverty.

Here and Now

The present, past and future are here and now.